Crime Protesters gather after Death of George Floyd

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One of the buildings burned down last night was a 6-story low-income housing building that was actively under construction. Gone.
After Ahmaud, anything under construction is a symbol of oppression and white supremacy. They were justified in burning it down

We are aware of the social media post that erroneously identifies one of our officers as the person caught on video breaking windows in Minneapolis. We want to be perfectly clear about this: The person in the video is not our officer.

Our officer has been working hard, serving his community, keeping people and property safe, and protecting the right to peacefully assemble. It’s unfortunate that people would post and share this untrue information, adding more confusion to an already painful time in our community.

The people spreading these rumors are the same ones who claimed the cop who was kneeling on the guy's neck was wearing a "Make Whites Great Again" hat in an old pic, and it wasn't him.
Idiots like some posters here think that destroying items intended to be taxed equates with wrecking stuff randomly. It's not even the same thing, on any level. As the tea was a taxable item and that dealt with taxation without representation.

I don't agree with looting but everything in a retail store is taxed and I guarantee you that the urban poor rioting would argue that they are not properly represented either.

But regardless I still do not condone looting and 99% of looters are doing it for free shit and not political disobedience.

The people spreading these rumors are the same ones who claimed the cop who was kneeling on the guy's neck was wearing a "Make Whites Great Again" hat in an old pic, and it wasn't him.

No surprise to see you going out of your way to defend your fellow racists.
So American in the 2020s:
  • 10,000 in a food line in one day
  • 500,000 homeless in the state with the 5th largest economy in the world
  • 40 million unemployed
  • 50 million at least with no health insurance
  • Police stations set on fire
  • Police in riot gear and the national guard storming a major city to get control of rioters
So American in the 2020s:
  • 10,000 in a food line in one day
  • 500,000 homeless in the state with the 5th largest economy in the world
  • 40 million unemployed
  • 50 million at least with no health insurance
  • Police stations set on fire
  • Police in riot gear and the national guard storming a major city to get control of rioters

No surprise to see you going out of your way to defend your fellow racists.
Isn't the poster you're quoting black? And not only that but I think this makes more than once I've seen you accuse him of being racist.
Isn't the poster you're quoting black? And not only that but I think this makes more than once I've seen you accuse him of being racist.
Oh sorry then he's an uncle tom.
So American in the 2020s:
  • 10,000 in a food line in one day
  • 500,000 homeless in the state with the 5th largest economy in the world
  • 40 million unemployed
  • 50 million at least with no health insurance
  • Police stations set on fire
  • Police in riot gear and the national guard storming a major city to get control of rioters

Textbook American exceptionalism
<{outtahere}>Well it’s not like any of these fine citizens have a job to get to tomorrow
Yeah there's more important things in life right now like, like pushing back against low iq racists like you.

raiders fans are all shitheads lol
All the "protesters" have accomplished is to further the stereotype that blacks are violent, lack impulse control, and are given to thievery. Hardly helpful.
At this point is it really just a stereotype? It seems to be part of the hood culture that a lot of them have grown accustomed to and see it is a right. Leaders in their communities need to look at the community and work to change it from within.
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