pullups rest periods


Blue Belt
Apr 27, 2010
Reaction score
so i have been doing weighted pullups for 5 sets of 5 trying to add 1 pound everytime i do them. Are you really supposed to weight 10-30 minutes for full recovery? If so that sure seems long.
say what now? 10-30 minutes betwen sets? is that what you are saying?
Who told you 10-30 minutes? Pull-ups are the same as any other lift. 3-5 minutes should be fine in most cases.
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Weight 10-30 minutes? Say what now? You've been around here long enough to not ask such a silly question.
You're supposed to weight the chins, and wait between sets. Don't confuse the two, or else you'll have a very difficult time.
You're supposed to weight the chins, and wait between sets. Don't confuse the two, or else you'll have a very difficult time.

Someone told him to try adding more wait on his chins, so now he takes thirty minute rest periods.

It makes sense now.
I just realized OP said 5x5 for weighted chins. You can do 5x5 for that??

No, it's physically impossible to do 5 sets of 5 reps for chin-ups if you have any added weight.
I do lots of weighted pull ups and I usually wait at least 7-10 minutes between sets. I usually do a set, go do another lift, then go back and do another set.

Using a 25# weight, my sets with the breaks are like 12-10-8-8-6

If I do them consecutively, I can do 12-8-6-6-4.
Devilson said this in a pullups thread

DevilsSon also trains about once or twice a week and regularly has very very long sessions in the gym. A unique way of training, indeed, and one probably not suited to the majority.

I'm certainly not saying he's wrong. He's beastly strong, for sure. I'm just saying he developed a method that is quite specifically tailored to his needs and lifestyle and it may not be applicable to yours.
DevilsSon also trains about once or twice a week and regularly has very very long sessions in the gym. A unique way of training, indeed, and one probably not suited to the majority.

I'm certainly not saying he's wrong. He's beastly strong, for sure. I'm just saying he developed a method that is quite specifically tailored to his needs and lifestyle and it may not be applicable to yours.

And in addition to this, I am certain the devil (no pun intended) is in the details. If he is suggesting waiting (or weighting) 30 min b/w sets of chins, I'm sure there is more to the story and this would not apply to the average gym goer. If something doesn't pass the sniff test, disregard it.