Movies Punk gangs from 80s movies


Black Belt
Nov 23, 2020
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Was this actually a real thing? Would people dressed like this actually go around killing people and committing crimes?


Yeah man, all the time.
in LA they exist but gang only in a hooligan way not in any organized way. they commit petty crimes usually drunk or high and sometimes take it too far but they never mess with the terminator.
It’s a generational thing.
And if you really pissed them off they'd tie your wrist to another gang member's wrist and you'd have to fight him with a knife.

Just like in basketball, it pays to learn to use either hand.

dance knife fights were an everyday occurrence in my neighborhood growing up. i used to hang out at this dark café with my piano shirt and try to sing to them in hope they could change their lives.
I doubt they went around dressed like prime sex pistols and committed a bunch.
Even those fucks were more interested in drugs and pussy than being tough guys
I would have been a Soc and beat the shit out of the greasers
But the greasers we're actually realistic right? Like their actually were white gangs in 60s or 50s or whatever that actually did look and act like that. The punk gang thing seems completely unrealistic to me lol. I mean I wasn't around in the 80s but when I was in highschool in the 2000s punks were more like blink 182, good Charlotte types. Definitely not intimidating or threatening at all
Not so much in NY. There were plenty of punks going around but I don't remember any actual gangs of them. There was definitely a scene in LA. Bands like Suicidal Tendencies came out of that.
Entire childhood based on the fact one should go full Hokuto on them

end up in real life they're either peaceful af or too druggied to start shit

Seen only two fights in my life with punk involved, both times they got fucked up and impression was both of times the normal guy was the asshole lol