PWD 5:16 - Ain’t Done With You Yet

How Do you eat your steak?

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2017 has been a great year for MCU

All three of those movies are amazing

Thor 3 especially

Those movies are too long for LTR to sit still in a theater, and I'd feel like a douche going to see a superhero movie by myself while my 5-year-old is in school or something. I'll get to them soon, though Spiderman is already out on DVD and streaming, right?
Those movies are too long for LTR to sit still in a theater, and I'd feel like a douche going to see a superhero movie by myself while my 5-year-old is in school or something. I'll get to them soon, though Spiderman is already out on DVD and streaming, right?

Spiderman Homecoming is on that site I was telling you about. That was a good movie.
The homie Rusev put the pussy on a pedestal real quick. There was even rumors of Lana bitching him out in a airport and that Vince didn't like that.
Drew McIntyre got beat up by his wife and got released

Austin beats up Debra and Vince prob have him a high five
Those movies are too long for LTR to sit still in a theater, and I'd feel like a douche going to see a superhero movie by myself while my 5-year-old is in school or something. I'll get to them soon, though Spiderman is already out on DVD and streaming, right?
Spiderman and GOTG2 are both out on dvd/bluray
Sami Zayn with that hogan like chairshkt lol
Bunch of racists in here hating on the the only African American Captain America.
Bunch of racists in here hating on the the only African American Captain America.
I prefer the African American Captain America to the Caucausian African Captain Africa.
But which Ironman do you prefer? The original. The European or the teenage African American girl?
Iron Man is, was, and always will be Tony to me.

Just like Green Lantern will always be Hal (although I am LOVING the new GL series with Simon Biaz and Jessica Cruz as GL).

That’s why he looked familiar. Man...internet wins again
Falcon is lame. I hope he gets killed.

He should. There’s Nothing special about him. They showed him in the trailer flying with his little wings and shooting his little Scorpions or whatever guns he has. Useless. At least Rhodie has a suit
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