PWD 596: Canadian ruined edition.

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What a pussy
Was he too busy to cater or was it the gayness ?
I see a problem asking that question, because the guy could just lie. As you said bigots aren't gonna change their mind so easily, and forcing the guy to cater an event is probably just gonna drive him more into his own bigotry.
I guess, but to be honest through all the bad publicity this bakery is getting, it's up to them whether they value their wallet over their religion. When everybody boycotts this bakery and they don't get any customers because they're known as bigots, maybe they'll change their minds.
In reality a bigot shop would be very viable, most people don't care about social justice. People who would otherwise use the business won't, but compared to people seeking the shop out because of their stance will be astronomical. Hell it got Trump to the Presidency, this is no small group.

The founders thought that economics would end slavery, and only a few lived long enough to see that would never happen.
Was he too busy to cater or was it the gayness ?

Actually he refused to make a custom wedding cake. He offered other goods from his bakery. Didn’t kick them out for being homo.

You got two liberal judges in the vote plus Kennedy saying he might have decided otherwise if the commission hadn’t fucked up their justification. Decision was taken WITHOUT overturning state antidiscriminatory law.

Not a major victory for discrimination or a basis to overturn anti discrimination laws. Like a judge voiding your parking ticket because the officer was a bastard.
LOL.....and here I thought all caterers were gay. Learned something new.

And WWE only do Garden house shows because it's expensive as fuck to do TV and apparently was an overpriced shit hole that was difficult to bring their trucks too.
I see a problem asking that question, because the guy could just lie. As you said bigots aren't gonna change their mind so easily, and forcing the guy to cater an event is probably just gonna drive him more into his own bigotry.

Well too bad for them I guess the world is changing and the im going to cling to being an asshole is a losing argument in the business world. If you cant serve everyone than you need to restructure you business to mega private where not just any ol body can call and expect service .

I have no sympathy for religious bigots at all and just so my conservative friends dont think Im nuts I feel the same way when I read some arab couldnt serve someone booze as a flight attendant etc

You wanna live by some million year old sheep or goat herders words that is fine by me just dont try to put your bronze age warlord nonsense on the rest of us
LOL.....and here I thought all caterers were gay. Learned something new.

And WWE only do Garden house shows because it's expensive as fuck to do TV and apparently was an overpriced shit hole that was difficult to bring their trucks too.
We are taking New York City here
Great now Rose Tico is going to get a Megapush in Episode 9 to combat people "Harassing" her.

The movies have been trash.
Well too bad for them I guess the world is changing and the im going to cling to being an asshole is a losing argument in the business world. If you cant serve everyone than you need to restructure you business to mega private where not just any ol body can call and expect service .

I have no sympathy for religious bigots at all and just so my conservative friends dont think Im nuts I feel the same way when I read some arab couldnt serve someone booze as a flight attendant etc

You wanna live by some million year old sheep or goat herders words that is fine by me just dont try to put your bronze age warlord nonsense on the rest of us

And views like this is how he won the SC case.
Great now Rose Tico is going to get a Megapush in Episode 9 to combat people "Harassing" her.
Doesn’t matter since I won’t be seeing it
We both know that’s a lie


I can’t stop now!
Great now Rose Tico is going to get a Megapush in Episode 9 to combat people "Harassing" her.
Next movie Finn and Poe Dameran go full on gay couple to fuck with all people who hate forced inclusion.

I hope yall happy....could've just said it was a shitty movie and leave it at that. ...but nooooo, it had to be turned political and brought in unlayable trolls who use any reason to target people into this exact situation.
Actually he refused to make a custom wedding cake. He offered other goods from his bakery. Didn’t kick them out for being homo.

You got two liberal judges in the vote plus Kennedy saying he might have decided otherwise if the commission hadn’t fucked up their justification. Decision was taken WITHOUT overturning state antidiscriminatory law.

Not a major victory for discrimination or a basis to overturn anti discrimination laws. Like a judge voiding your parking ticket because the officer was a bastard.
There is no other way to slice this, bigotry won in this instance. Kennedy's explanation which openly stated that this will have to be applied with grave concern in other areas is nonsense. Hell the reason this case was chosen by the court in the first place because it's one in which public support would swing towards the baker and against the gays.

The argument that the court, they officially made no ruling on whether bigotry against gays is legal, effectively signed off on such actions until this case is utterly overturned. Plessy v. Ferguson 2.0 if you will. Brown v. Board of Ed. might be another century away with the Repubs stuffing the ballot for Trump's pick.

Imagine your baby is struck by a stray bullet and needs a blood transfusion. There is only one medic there in time, and they say because they are a Jehovah's Witness they can't save your baby. Imagine a Muslim refusing to operate on an unconscious woman because she might be on her period.
Next movie Finn and Poe Dameran go full on gay couple to fuck with all people who hate forced inclusion.

I hope yall happy....could've just said it was a shitty movie and leave it at that. ...but nooooo, it had to be turned political and brought in unlayable trolls who use any reason to target people into this exact situation.

Yeah, blame the people who hated the 40-minute lecture of why Capitalism is bad for pushing an agenda...not the people who put it there in the first place.
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