PWD 596: Canadian ruined edition.

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Saw Inifinity War for a second time with the family tonight. Was really refreshing to see it through the eyes of marks who aren't in the MCU loop and just watching it to be watching it. My little cousins were freaking out at "but I don't wanna go! I don't wanna go!". They were on the verge of losing it
What are some of the things that help ease your anxiety?

Pregablin, a nap, walking the dog, sex, beer. I avoid grass for some internal reason though I’ve got a vape and shit.

It’s not a specific anxiety about something - basically my nervous system fucking with me. I think it’s a linked reaction between my stomach and my brain. A vicious circle. There’s a direct nerve connection plus your stomach produces dopamine and serotonin. So when I puke it’s fucking with my stomach which fucks with my brain and the brain fucks back and puke.

I’m sad about the ongoing break up and it’s not helping (maybe Monday was so bad because of this) but this shit has been going on for the last 3-4 years anyway. Sometimes it goes away but sometimes it gets really bad.
I like the fact that she is advertising that she don't like condoms.

I knew I made the right decision in picking her over Ember Moon.


Going in #RAW
Pregablin, a nap, walking the dog, sex, beer. I avoid grass for some internal reason though I’ve got a vape and shit.

It’s not a specific anxiety about something - basically my nervous system fucking with me. I think it’s a linked reaction between my stomach and my brain. A vicious circle. There’s a direct nerve connection plus your stomach produces dopamine and serotonin. So when I puke it’s fucking with my stomach which fucks with my brain and the brain fucks back and puke.

I’m sad about the ongoing break up and it’s not helping (maybe Monday was so bad because of this) but this shit has been going on for the last 3-4 years anyway. Sometimes it goes away but sometimes it gets really bad.
Watch a bunch of 80s Memphis which was great the main fued of early 80s Memphis was jerry
Lawler vs jimmy hart and first family stable. Peak jimmy hart as he was cutting majority of the promos on TV compared to the short insert promos/local house show promos of wwe.

Memphis was ahead of its time with the use of music videos/vignettes to showcase talent the fabulous ones is the best example of promoting a new team. The likes of koko b ware and jimmy valiant as heels which is rare as they were career faces in wwe/nwa respectively. Jim Cornette starting out as a manager.
Wonder how imaginary ex heard so quickly about the break up? And wtf does imaginary want.

Jesus what a bad week. I’m tempted to pop a Xanax though I haven’t done that shit for half a year.

Time for a walk and a beer or three. Some hard cardio afterwards.
Wonder how imaginary ex heard so quickly about the break up? And wtf does imaginary want.

Jesus what a bad week. I’m tempted to pop a Xanax though I haven’t done that shit for half a year.

Time for a walk and a beer or three. Some hard cardio afterwards.

One of these days after I've hit the lotto I'm gonna hire a web geek and a detective to piece together all the timelines you've thrown together on here. I have a bad memory, and even worse math skills, and frankly I don't really pay attention to most people on here, but ... something doesn't add up.
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