PWD 674: Brought to you by the best!

Do you approve of Rex's name change?

  • Yes, because I'm a sexual deviant who enjoys the sight of monkey balls.

  • No, it's dumb as hell and Rex is clearly suffering from adult onset full lakersfrank.

  • Who the hell is Rex and where's the line for Batjester's mom?

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Chris Jericho has said that the Nia punch looked like "a legitmate, and deliberate, punch to the face".

If Chris Jericho is saying the same as me, I'm happy with my assessment.
Chris Jericho has said that the Nia punch looked like "a legitmate, and deliberate, punch to the face".

If Chris Jericho is saying the same as me, I'm happy with my assessment.

Jim doesn’t have heat with me... and I’m not blocked by him. I’m friendly with Kenny Bolin, been on his podcast (Corny best friend before Russo turned up).

Just Corny blocked some fucker repeating some BS that has no historical basis.

I demolished the dude on evidence based facts.

Like a litigation lawyer does. Because I know my history like my law.
I wanted to know if Cornette had heat with anybody in PWD because he responded to you. No one said that you were blocked.
Chris Jericho has said that the Nia punch looked like "a legitmate, and deliberate, punch to the face".

If Chris Jericho is saying the same as me, I'm happy with my assessment.

Did he mention or draw a parallel to this

Did he mention or draw a parallel to this

I don't know, I haven't listened to the full podcast yet.

However, there aren't really any similarities, Shawn's wife moved the wrong way, and got hit accidently. Nia just hauled off and hit Becky.
I don't know, I haven't listened to the full podcast yet.

However, there aren't really any similarities, Shawn's wife moved the wrong way, and got hit accidently. Nia just hauled off and hit Becky.
Now we know why you can't type for shit. You've got cataracts.
She moves the wrong way, I agree. Jericho is still throwing a stiff shot. On top of that Jericho know she’s not a worker and had over a decade more experience than Nia does now.
She moves the wrong way, I agree. Jericho is still throwing a stiff shot. On top of that Jericho know she’s not a worker and had over a decade more experience than Nia does now.

But, it's like what the Big Show says regarding the KO punch, "Don't move, because if this connects, you're gonna get fucked up". Jericho threw a working punch, that accidently connected when the person he was punching moved into it.

Nia wound up her fist, connected, and followed through on somebody who wasn't moving. Every angle of it shows that Nia intended to connect.
I hope you enjoy it. It doesn't really feel like an album though, more like an EP.
I love ghosts.

There’s also a new failure album out today so SP may be tomorrow. Not sure which I’ll listen to today
But, it's like what the Big Show says regarding the KO punch, "Don't move, because if this connects, you're gonna get fucked up". Jericho threw a working punch, that accidently connected when the person he was punching moved into it.

Nia wound up her fist, connected, and followed through on somebody who wasn't moving. Every angle of it shows that Nia intended to connect.
Jericho is literally running into the punch.
Anybody expect to see Rick Flare accompany Charrolette Flare to the ring at the Thanksgiving day tradition called Survivor Series?
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