Social Question about speaking foreign languages?

Spanish in Spain and Spanish in Mexico are very different accents. French in France and French in Canada, same. Still all correct though, so I don't get how english is supposed to be the only language that can be spoken with different accents and still be considered correct.
Why is English the only language that can be spoken with any accent?

Yet English speaking people need to have a foreign accent when speaking another language? and if they use their home country accent, they're told it was spoken incorrectly.
You never tell people:

P.s. only lately, with increase of "tolerance", it has become "racist" to expect people to speak English properly.
Dunno. I can speak a few languages, and can tell you that English speakers are far more tolerant of foreign accent ls than most others, but there still is a range with them too. In Paris, for example, there are a lot of foreigners, and I found it kinda funny hearing Chinese people speak French with a Chinese accent.

Like no American will ever say the word "restaurant" properly in French, but like Russian the word for take is very similar to the word for brother, so slightly mispronouncing that is like an entirely separate word.

I think from English at least, some languages like Russian or Portuguese the vowels are very different, and like French or Spanish, it's more consonants.
I guess it sorta makes sense. People that speak other languages will tell you that you sound terrible or stupid if you just say the words with a straight American accent but if you tell someone from another country that they sound terrible or stupid for speaking English in their own accent, you're the devil.
a word not used nearly enough IMO.
What were the instructions ya gave it?

"Why is English the only language that can be spoken with any accent?

Yet English speaking people need to have a foreign accent when speaking another language? and if they use their home country accent, they're told it was spoken incorrectly."

It couldn't make more sense of it than I could. So I guess it just drew a girl with big tits because everyone likes those.
Are we trying to pretend people don't make fun of the accents of non native English speakers?
In my experience, foreigners are less tolerant of our misprononciations than we are of theirs. Probably because we are one of the most diverse countries so we are used to people mispronounced words.
Less tolerant as in they correct you or do they get like hostile or something? I feel like from my experience people are more likely to correct you if you say something wrong (just trying to help) but people in the US and Canada for example might be hesitant to do that for fear of offending someone and being labeled a racist.

I'd rather be corrected that have somebody let me pronounce things wrong. I think sounding like a native is the ultimate accomplishment for a language learner.
huh, i've never but been given encouragement when speaking a foreign language in the country of origin, even if it was obvious my accent was lacking. also, most of the world's spoken english is probably spoken between non english natives. if i'm meeting a slovak and we're speaking english, do you think any of us will correct the other's accent? what for?
Do dogs think in the accent of their owners or in dog accent?