News Rachel Ostovich's Husband Arrested for Attempted Murder (charges reduced to second degree assault)

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Hahah not in a million years will I let my ego and self get embarrassed by a women!!! Your a goodie boy white knight! You need to come to reality and man the fuck up!!!! No bitch should be in control of you!!!
by assaulting her based off her actions you are letting her control you. her actions put you in jail. walking away puts you in control, you fucking pussy ass weirdo

I can tell from the majority of posts that you guys prefer emotional pain as opposed to physical that is cool, but don’t expect everyone to be like that.

AND LOL she has control over me cause I punished someone and acted through karma?! This would probably break my heart the rest of my life, something needs to be done because of it. I will take charge as she did with me embarrassing and dishonouring me. I will hurt her just as bad as she did to me, nothing more; nothing less.

Don’t be pussys sherdog and let women cuck you. If you do nothing about it she gets away with it and will most likely repeat the process with someone else. She needs to be punished/taught not to do it anymore.

Also this guy needs to plan shit out better so he doesn’t get caught!!!! People must act more intelligently next time.
your so emotionally fucked it its hilarious, you are either 12 or just never socialize . But yes, the women making you so mad you cant help but hit her means she does have control over you. Walking away from some whore puts you in more power. I know sherdog is full of some dumb people, but you came in and took the cake buddy. You put the special in special Olympics
HAHAHA bullshit.

You clearly care so much about her opinion of you, and your ego is so weak and fragile, that the only response you can even think of is beating the shit out of her in a violent rage.

Risking your job, your livelihood, your freedom, everything.

You literally can't imagine a life without her and are willing to do insane things over her.

That means she literally has complete control over you and the only way for you to free yourself from her control is to kill her.

You crave acceptance from women and to be desired and wanted by women desperately.

Probably because you never had it before.

Lol no it’s actually because I am a psychopath. But you on the other hand will do nothing about it and let her use you. Obvious you are a white mnight that would probably stab yourself just to save her yet she cares nothing for you.
War machine, this dude, Thiago, Brady,

your so emotionally fucked it its hilarious, you are either 12 or just never socialize . But yes, the women making you so mad you cant help but hit her means she does have control over you. Walking away from some whore puts you in more power. I know sherdog is full of some dumb people, but you came in and took the cake buddy. You put the special in special Olympics

Oh wow now you show your true colours whit knight. Making fun of people in the special olympics hey?! You have just hit a new all time low bud. Also haven’t had cake in a while bud. Got TOO MANY GAINS TO MAKE!!
imma let MMA MASTER have his fun. At this point, it's amusing... I especially like the whole psychopath-who-defends-special-olympians angle. Very cutting edge....
Nope, I actually don't do monogamy.

I fuck random different women without attachment.

You're just a little boy who desperately craves for women to want you because they never did.
Nah, he might be young, but he's just ribbing us. He's actually got a few chuckles out of me, tbh.
It was me at my saddest. Drunk young angry jealous. Now days I would never do something so dumb. If a girl cheats I just leave the bitch now cut my losses not getting locked up for dumb shit again. Makes finding a job so much harder I got mine now only cause of my cousin.
I don't know if you're playing a character or else if you've just really grown familiar and intimate with your demons (which is always a good thing) but either way - good for you.

On the real, cutting losses is def the way to go, man. With so many things in life, the more you squeeze, the more you squeeze it through your fingers, and the more you open your hand the more you give it a place to land. Life responds when you no longer try to control it too tightly. Hope life's looking up for you.

I can tell from the majority of posts that you guys prefer emotional pain as opposed to physical that is cool, but don’t expect everyone to be like that.

AND LOL she has control over me cause I punished someone and acted through karma?! This would probably break my heart the rest of my life, something needs to be done because of it. I will take charge as she did with me embarrassing and dishonouring me. I will hurt her just as bad as she did to me, nothing more; nothing less.

Don’t be pussys sherdog and let women cuck you. If you do nothing about it she gets away with it and will most likely repeat the process with someone else. She needs to be punished/taught not to do it anymore.

Also this guy needs to plan shit out better so he doesn’t get caught!!!! People must act more intelligently next time.

Jesus how insecure can one manlet be? she cheated, get the fuck out of the relationship and find someone better. Lifes goes on you pleeb lol You sound like a muslim rat, talking about dishonor. Next time don't scrape from the bottom of the barrel
That’s why you not act out in complete anger but plan it out; you CUCK PUSSY BITCH WEAKLING!!!
Even your trolling sucks. I picture your life and feel very sorry for you. Please seek help soon.
If the car was a gift, you're lucky she gave it back ;)

It was in my name the whole time. I bought a new car and gave it to her to drive I guess is what I meant to say.

Don’t regret it. It’s nice to have a civic to drive.. not always practical to drive a truck around, especially in winter with a diesel and it being -20 all the time here.
Well her life was under threat so hell yeah. But problem is, if they had a gun in the house, she probably WOULD be dead now.
Why? If she was t
Well her life was under threat so hell yeah. But problem is, if they had a gun in the house, she probably WOULD be dead now.
She should have Phil Hartmann'd his ass.
It was in my name the whole time. I bought a new car and gave it to her to drive I guess is what I meant to say.

Don’t regret it. It’s nice to have a civic to drive.. not always practical to drive a truck around, especially in winter with a diesel and it being -20 all the time here.
Bro, all sherdoggers drive jacked-up Ford f-350s 24/7. Anything else and you are a girly man.
I just want to kill someone so bad!!! I feel atachment for nothing whit knight
If I said "why not yourself?" it could be cyber bullying, but I'm digging the character.

He's lost, forlorn, given up all hope. Feels nothing and cares for naught. All life has become dead and without character to him. People have been reduced to their usefulness. A true psychopath BUT he respects special olympians.

I might use this guy as a character in one of my upcoming fight stories, thanks. I like this one. He'll beat a woman as quickly as he'll pay to fuck one. He lives on the edge of life and society. And he posts on Sherdog for our amusement.

Actually, technically, he'd be a sociopath. He's not socially sophisticated and he doesn't hide his twisted nature behind charm. So, for the record, your character is a sociopath.
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