Rebuilding leg strength after an injury

Silver tongue samurai

Nov 15, 2017
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Recently injured my knee. What are some good exercises for when its healed to start strengthening it again?
I recently read a thread that was as vague as could be. Where should I start?

Go see an orthopedic specialist and then a physical therapist.

The nature of your knee injury is important too, we aren't mind readers. If you google your specific injury and add "rehab protocol" or "home exercise program" after it you'll see plenty of websites from med schools, colleges, PT programs, and individual physicians outlining what exercises to perform in order to rehab your particular injury.
Go to physical therapy regardless of how much it costs or what you think of it. I have had two knee surgeries and therapy was vital in getting back to normal. Don't be the guy who limps the rest of your life because you didn't want to pay for sessions, or believed you are so intelligent you already know how to rehab yourself.
Recently injured my knee. What are some good exercises for when its healed to start strengthening it again?
Can you do bodyweight squats without pain?

If not, can you sit on a chair and stand back up without pain?
Can you do bodyweight squats without pain?

If not, can you sit on a chair and stand back up without pain?

Iv been doing 30 chair squats 10 bridges with 10s holds and standing on one leg while holding a chair for 2-3 min around a week now
Iv been doing 30 chair squats 10 bridges with 10s holds and standing on one leg while holding a chair for 2-3 min around a week now
If you can do them without pain, then work on building your squat.

You can, and probably should, supplement with some isolation work (TKE's, leg curls, maybe glute bridges and maybe something for the glute med), but properly-executed and properly-programmed squats is hands down the best thing you can do for your knees.
Jumping rope worked well for me coming back after a broken leg. It's pretty low impact compared to running
bang escorts

do it HIIT

Ended up in the Dominican (still here) so there is tons of that already. That and swimming is basically all I'm doing here. Danced the salsa with some chick too but that's just so I can get my rhythm back