Reconstruction: knees & shoulder

20 x 10
30/40/50/60 x 5
70 x 3
80 x 1
82.5 x 5 x 3

Low-bar Squats
20 x 10+10
40 x 5
60 x 5 x 4
40 x 10

SCR (narrow grip)
25 x 20
45 x 10 x 5
35 x 15 x 3

10 x 10
12.5 x 10 x 3
10 x 10

+ ice on knees/shoulder

Notes: This is a "post-rehab bench PR". No significant pain during worksets (on a few reps some discomfort on AC joint, but no real pain), some rather slight aggravation on biceps tendon (right shoulder) post-workout. If I reach 85x5x3 on this run (before running into shoulder issues) I'll be happy with the progress.

Left knee joint is still shaky, hurts at time but pain is not as sharp/intense. Both MTP's are fairly tender these days (since the "long" walks/treks last Monday), and at times somewhat painful. I'm not happy with the MTP regress, but so far it's not as bad as 2-3 months ago.

EDIT: there is some small amount of pain (1-2/10) when doing unweighted internal/external rotations of the right shoulder at ~45
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I tend to have more pain in my shoulder 5-8 hours post lift. Which I think is odd,

PR pics



sorry its vintage week in my log.
I suspended retro week to provide this helpful medical video

I still am a firm believe that you need more massage as treatment and possilby some partner carrying drills to build up your lower back

I never realized how hard it was going to be to find helpful wholesome images of massage and partner carryign drills like that one. All the ones I found besides this one was just hor naked chicks doing each other while covered in jello and stuff. Pretty sick stuff really, turned my stomach to be honest.
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10 x 10
20/30/40/40 x 5
50 x 2
55 x 1
57.5 x 5 x 3

20 x 10+10
40 x 5+5
60 x 10 x 3
60 x 10 (GM's)
40 x 10 (GMS's)

Lat Pulldowns
30 x 20
65 x 10 x 3
55 x 10 x 3
45 x 10

DB Curls
10 x 10
15 x 13

+ ice on knees/shoulder

Notes: Shoulder still felt weird yesterday, did some SMR work on the shoulder (focusing on the infraspinatus and secondarily on the supraspinatus). Today it didn't fell 100%, but was for the most part pain-free during warmup so I decided to give SOHP a go.

Going to the gym I didn't feel good, I guess I can best describe it as anxious and afraid(!) of the weight. Sure enough, one rep in the first 40kg warmup set went out of groove (at the bottom half of the lift, right off the bottom position) and felt a "crack" along with immediate pain on the right shoulder (somewhere over the humeral head, right under the anterior side of the acromion). There was some discomfort on that spot in the next reps, but they were not significantly painful as long as the was zero anterior drift of the bar. Workset reps didn't feel good because of that, the bar speed off the bottom was not good, last rep of each set felt heavier than it should have been (considering 56.25x5x5 was just a breeze). Stopped at 3 sets.

Squats were ok. Low-bar, slightly wider than shoulder-width. 10 reps felt like a cardiovascular challenge (a.k.a. I'm getting out of shape). Knee joints not really painful, MTP's slightly tender (a bit better than yesterday).

During DB curls the right shoulder started giving very slight pain at the same spot as during SOHP so I cut them short.

Today the gym was half empty, but there was a good looking girl working out. She left right after me so I spoke to her. I tried to make a funny comment about some weird exercise she was doing (something to do with attaching the low-cable to the foot, kneeling in from of the cable machine, and kicking backwards), and as soon I stroke conversation she immediately jumped on me with compliments in the lines of "you've done great work with your body", and proceeded to ask me for advice on exercise routines and diet. For some reason she thought I was competing in BB, which makes zero sense whatsoever really. She was one of those girls that look great up until the moment they open their mouth... I decided against asking for her number to spare myself from further disappointment!

I never realized how hard it was going to be to find helpful wholesome images of massage and partner carryign drills like that one. All the ones I found besides this one was just hor naked chicks doing each other while covered in jello and stuff. Pretty sick stuff really, turned my stomach to be honest.

Yes, those sound quite unappealing indeed. Thanks for being thoughtful and not posting those apparently disgusting images.

I approve of the above chiropractic presentation, btw.
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you may also want to look into ab massage, like shown in the below pic. I think by loosening your abs you may take care of any imbalances that affect your other joints.

you may also note in the photo that she has taken extra care to keep her joints warm, while still maintaining core flexable clothing to reduce all over body heat.

may want to throw in some quad stretches just to be safe

(all women should either keep their mouths shut or firmly planted on me, its in the bible)
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all women should either keep their mouths shut or firmly planted on me, its in the bible


EDIT:Thanks for posting this huge pic and entirely fucking up the post-box sizes, by the way! :)
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Shoulder Rehab Routine
20 x 10
3/40/50/60 x 5
70 x 3
80 x 1
83.75 x 5 x 3

20 x 10+10
40 x 5+5
60 x 5 x 3
60 x 10 (GMs)
40 x 10 (GMSs)

SCR (narrow grip)
25 x 15
35 x 10
50 x 10 x 3
40 x 10 x 5

+ ice on knees x 2
+ ice on shoulder x 1

Notes: MTPs are tender, left MPT is slightly painful. I fucking not happy about this.

Right still hurts slightly around the acromion. Pain is mostly triggered by overhead movements, so decided to try benching anyway and discontinue at the first hint of pain. There was no significant pain, although it felt being on the line on it not being painful. Good news is that there was no significant discomfort on the AC joint this time. Some discomfort on the posterior capsule of the right shoulder during SCR, it felt pretty tight. Post-workout, the infraspinatus tendon is pretty aggravated.

As part of practical training for the phys ed class, I've been teaching at a primary school once per week. I teach to first and fourth grade, fourth graders are fine, first graders are a nightmare! They are like aliens (really hard to communicate with), they have 1-3 second attention spans, and are entirely too hard to control. Main problem is I can't be bothered to appear strict and start shouting at them. Plus they are really funny and I can't play serious instead of laughing. Last class two girls started fighting, I picked them both up to separate them and tell them they shouldn't fight, and, as soon as I put them back down, all the other gils "attacked me" asking me to pick them up too while at the same time trying to climb on me! Today I was determined not to let any such thing happen. I tried to teach them the log roll and the forward roll, and after practicing those I had them do some sort of relay where they would run, roll then run back and "high five" the next in line. They loved it so much they didn't bust my balls half as much as usual.
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The pic was not realized to be so huge. It will be deleted. But she was wonderful
That was Shakira, wasn't it? She is wonderful indeed. Another attribute of hers, that is lost in the stills, is the fact that the girl can "move it".

Here goes for fairness:



...and because that angle doesn't show just how wonderful she is:

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yes I belive it was the same pic you just posted on the beach or at least the same photo shoot. She is quite the performer. Great range as well as good looks and that non stop booty
10 x 10
20/30/40 x 5
50 x 2
55 x 1
58.75 x 5 x 3

20 x 10+10
40 x 5+5
60 x 5 x 3
60 x 10 (GM)
40 x 10 (GMS)

Lat Pulldowns
30 x 15
45 x 10
70 x 8
65 x 10
60 x 10 x 3
50 x 10 x 3

+ ice on knees x 3
+ ice massage on right shoulder (supraspinatus and infraspinatus tendons)

Notes: MTP's still tender, still painful at times. Significantly less painful today but still very tender. I am starting to get concerned about this, it really feels like this is getting nowhere. Iced them 3 times yesterday; ice packs don't have enough time to get fully cold, I'm considering investing on a second pair.

With all the light squatting lately I'm probably getting much weaker, but it feels like my speed is much better than 2-3 months ago at the same weight.

Yesterday I massaged the right shoulder quite a bit. It is still painful around the RC, that is probably around the infraspinatus tendon. That spot is painful when doing wall slides, as it gets in contact with the acromion. I decided to try warming up and, if not very painful, start with some light SOHP and play it by ear. There was no major pain on SOHP, as the infraspinatus tendon doesn't get in an impingement position as much. Reps felt strong, felt like I could have grinded an extra rep on each of those worksets if I really had to.

Barring any setbacks, looks like next week I'll be hitting 60x5x3, which has been kind of a mental goal of mine. It's a pathetic number, but will signify the first time during the shoulder rehab that I make a clear-cut PR compared to previous lifting. I'm still a long way from my bench PRs, reason I'm so much closer on the SOHP PRs is that my SOHP has always been really weak due to my shitty overhead ROM (which is still shitty, but is now significantly improved compared to what it used to be like).
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The smallest plates in my gym are 2.5kg, which translate to 5kg weight increments. I bought a pair of 1.25kg plates that I carry with me to the gym and, seeing that even 2.5kg increments are sometimes a bit too much for my &$%@ shoulder, I recently made a pair of homemade .625kg plates. That gives me 1.25kg increments.

The way I made them was short chain + a carabiner + a couple of padlocks for each. Weighted them on my kitchen scale for precision ...which admittedly is kind of stupid since the gym plates can sometimes be as much off as .5 or more, but whatevs!

EDIT: so they are not exactly "plates" per se, they are chains; but I can still put them on the bar.
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Congrats on the post-rehabd bench PR last week. Nice to see you making progress.

Also, Shakira's hips definitely don't lie!

20 x 10
30/40/50/60 x 5
70 x 3
80 x 1
85 x 5 x 3

20 x 10+10
40 x 5+5
60 x 5 x 3
60 x 10 (GM)
40 x 10 (GMS)

SCR (wide grip)
25 x 20
40 x 10
45 x 10 x 4
40 x 10 x 2
35 x 10

+ ice on knees x2
+ ice on both shoulders

Notes: Right shoulder was slightly better today, but still painful on the same spots are the previous days (did a fair bit of ice massaging it yesterday). As soon as I got to the gym I started feeling like shit. Big anxiousness and hard to come down and focus. It is fucking weird, but I'm experiencing this "fear of the weight" with increasing frequency. This definitely comes from fear of further shoulder damage. As soon as I was done with benching I managed to relax to a fair degree.

Bench reps didn't groove. Form was not good (a lot worse than last session); bad enough to cause discomfort but not bad enough to cause pain during reps. Left shoulder was slightly painful (on bicep tendon) when doing SCR, which could mean it was aggravated during benching (or that it didn't like the switch to wide grip, which is also quite possible). In any case, I'm happy I got 85x5x3 down, will have to repeat it with satisfactory form before advancing though.

I'm thinking I might have to take a few days rest until the right shoulder heals up. I've been able to work around this infra/supraspinatus tendon aggravation, but it's been a week and it's not getting significantly better. I'll probably go for 60x5x3 SOHP on Wednesday, and then take a deload for a few days.

MTPs tender, slightly painful at times. Maybe a very slight bit better than Friday. Left MTP was slightly painful during the 10-rep set of GMS.

Congrats on the post-rehabd bench PR last week. Nice to see you making progress.

Also, Shakira's hips definitely don't lie!
Thanks Brendan.
Shoulder Rehab Routine
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Well, I haven't been in here for awhile. Just read up on what's been going on for you.

I had a good laugh about that story of the girl who was attractive until she opened her mouth. Such a shame really. Too bad you didn't get her number though. Maybe she enjoys being gagged in the bed room! Problem solved!

And although you're not exactly putting up world beaters on the bench or the press, I still think you're pressing decent weight considering your shoulder problems. Good luck with the eventual 60x5x3 for the press.

Also, I'm glad to see you're recovered well enough from your second little "mishap" in the bath tub. :icon_twis:icon_chee Once again, although not the heaviest weight in the world, I'd be fairly happy with 100kg if I was suffering the ongoing problems you have.

Keep up the good work. I hope to one day (in the not so distant future) come in this log and hear about your pain free lifting session in which you're busting ass and destroying PRs.
Thanks for the kind words toonie. That was really nice of you and it's appreciated.

I'll try to do my best not to let you down.
did someone say gagged




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