Law "Refund the police": Study shows The Minnesota Effect has led to increase in crime


Aug 15, 2019
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The title of the article alone tells you all you need to know:

Cuts in policing have 'led to 710 murders and more than 2,800 gunshot victims' across the US in what one expert has dubbed the 'Minneapolis effect' amid warning to 'proceed cautiously with defunding cops'

Paul Cassell, a professor at S.J. Quinney College of Law at the University of Utah has dubbed the rise in crime the 'Minneapolis effect'. The study found that 'rates of homicide, aggravated assault, and gun assault began to increase significantly in late May'.

Of all the crimes that have increased, homicide saw the largest spike of 87 per cent, rising from 30 in 2019 to 56 in 2020, while incidents of arson have increased by 82 per cent over the total at this point in 2019.

Shootings in New York City were up 166 percent last month compared to August 2019, according to police crime statistics released Wednesday.

Oh gee, I don't think anyone who doesn't chug 2 gallons of soy a day couldn't have saw this coming. I wonder if the increase has anything to do with the the "defund the police" crowd. Derp! So while you white liberals go home to your nice safe privileged neighborhoods, those you claim to be helping are getting fucked over by your virtue signaling. Congrats.
Color me surprised OP didn't read the paper.

In addition, the Minneapolis Effect discussed here began to manifest itself only about three months ago—a very limited time in which to collect data and discern trends. And the Effect manifested itself in the middle of the on-going COVID-19 pandemic, a major disrupter that complicates an already difficult enterprise of identifying trends over time. Carefully recognizing these problems, the Rosenfeld-Lopez Report presents its data on the homicide spikes (through June 2020) and then warns that t is too early to draw strong inferences about the causes of the recent rise in urban violence ….”234 At some general level, this caution is surely correct. The data that is streaming in from the nation’s cities has yet to be fully analyzed and trends that may seem obvious today may disappear with the arrival of new data tomorrow. Finally, perhaps the major caution that necessarily applies to this article is that causality of events is very difficult to prove. This article collects evidence that de-policing in the wake of the George Floyd death caused homicides of more than 700 people and led to the shooting of more than 2,800 others. As with other social science research,235 drawing such an inference necessarily involves a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods that will never be able to “prove” causation beyond a reasonable doubt. All the conclusions in this article are necessarily tentative—and subject to need for further research, as discussed in the next section.

Yeah but, you know, this is all new and we should expect some period (several decades) of increased crime as people adjust to this new and improved approach.
Color me surprised OP didn't read the paper.


Oh crime just skyrocketed after the Defund the Police movement started after the George Floyd incident? LOL!! You don't have to be a genius to put two and two together.

Nice piss belt BTW. You should get a second one, it would fit you perfectly.

Oh crime just skyrocketed after the Defund the Police movement started after the George Floyd incident? LOL!! You don't have to be a genius to put two and two together.

Nice piss belt BTW. You should get a second one, it would fit you perfectly.

Cope post.

Sorry your shit thread made you look like a dumbass within 5 posts.

So you just want to wait and see how bad it gets. Lol

"The data that is streaming in from the nation’s cities has yet to be fully analyzed and trends that may seem obvious today may disappear with the arrival of new data tomorrow."

The sad part is that the neighborhoods that need the cops the most are not the ones screaming to defund the police. They know they are the ones that suffer the gun violence and crime the most. In NYC and Chicago, nice neighborhoods aren’t being shot up, and neither are white people. So defunding the police, or even treating the police so violently when they come to your neighborhood that they stop coming, who pays the price. In these instances do BLM? Because it sure seems like they dont in these areas that need cops. Most of America sits back and goes, “Be careful what you wish for”.
"The data that is streaming in from the nation’s cities has yet to be fully analyzed and trends that may seem obvious today may disappear with the arrival of new data tomorrow."

That's the nice way of pretending a major violence problem will just dissappear. Basically it's pandering and fools believe stupid things like that
"The data that is streaming in from the nation’s cities has yet to be fully analyzed and trends that may seem obvious today may disappear with the arrival of new data tomorrow."


That's the nice way of pretending a major violence problem will just dissappear. Basically it's pandering and fools believe stupid things like that

False can’t be helped the alcohol makes him want to be a contrarian I guess

Just read up on summer of love durkan trying to back track on defunding thr police but was slapped down by the wokes of her own party. You can’t win with these people and hopefully the voters of these places wake up and vote them out
Now the police are defunded, the white supremacists are running rampant. Refund the police to stop white supremacy.