Regarding the Conor vs Dustin fight, Khabib just told Ronda to shut up.

Khabib is right…

Ronda showed her true colors once she won the belt and some fame.

That DNB had to learn the hard way, there’s levels to this shit. Thanks Holly & Amanda!

She’s just trying to embrace the heel as if anyone gives a flying fuck about her these days.

Aside from some of the virgin MMA fans that want her to sit on their face.
That's actually a logical fallacy. In fact, his own words state that it applies to males and females alike, people in power or not.


Im not refering to his actual words more the distain he clearly has for women who dont know their place. He once basically said women belong in the bedroom and kitchen when asked about womens mma lol.
Im not refering to his actual words more the distain he clearly has for women who dont know their place. He once basically said women belong in the bedroom and kitchen when asked about womens mma lol.
Im sure Makachev said that but either way, cut from the same cloth.
Khabib is right…

Ronda showed her true colors once she won the belt and some fame.

That DNB had to learn the hard way, there’s levels to this shit. Thanks Holly & Amanda!

She’s just trying to embrace the heel as if anyone gives a flying fuck about her these days.

Aside from some of the virgin MMA fans that want her to sit on their face.
Glad to see everyone is tired of Khabib pretending to be a saint, I love Khabib, but that shit has always rubbed me the wrong way
Khabib and Fedor are my two favorite fighters, but when Khabib talks like he's a saint, it's annoying, as he has had some HOT takes.
Yeah yeah Khabib we get it, you a saint...
The man has never once claimed to be a Saint. What he is saying is absolutely reasonable and was not directed at Rondas comment.

Khabib is the first one to tell you that he is nowhere near perfect and has a hot-headed streak. He tries to be a good guy but slips up. He actively says that he is not always a good example and to be better than he is in his poor moments.

I cant wrap my head around why so many people take issue with him saying this. He's right.
It's true....Whoever supports Conor, after all of this, is a shit human being like Conor.

Conor and his fans represent everything wrong with the world......Sad we have to share this world shitty people like conor/ronda/etc.
They were there at the fight, cheering the Glass Legged Rat post fight when he was saying vile things about Dustin's wife. These people are lowlife classless shits who are decaying society with their smooth-brainedeness.
so fucking what if he knows the guy , I bet you know some dodgy characters too, does that mean that youre the same as them..?
People blow Khamzat on here despite him being waaaaay closer to him than Kadyrov than Khabib ever was. Besides Khabib has actively distances himself from him now. He obviously only involved himself with him out of necessity not choice.
I bet Ronda WISHES she was Conor. lol

Ironically, she is just as broken as he is.

Regarding Ronda:

She was supportive of McGregor after he had broken his leg and was shouting threats at Poirier, and insults at Poirier’s wife. It was ironic because Rousey went ballistic when an opponent mentioned her late father during her fighting career.

After blowback to her first tweet supporting McGregor, she wrote, “If you want sportsmanship and idealism go watch the @Olympics - lord knows they need the views.”

Khabib responded:

“If someone does bad things, you cannot support this,” Nurmagomedov told Yahoo Sports. “If you do, you’re the same s*** like him. This is my opinion. It doesn’t matter if it’s Ronda, [UFC president] Dana White or Donald Trump, if someone does bad things, you have to say, ‘Hey, this is not right.’ If you feel you cannot say something, OK, just be quiet.”

This is from the end of the article:

As he watched the McGregor-Poirier fight on Saturday, he didn’t need all that experience to understand what was going on.

McGregor broke his tibia when Poirier checked a leg kick, then the foot collapsed under him a short time later when he stepped back near the end of the first round. He underwent surgery on Sunday.

Had the fight continued, Nurmagomedov said there is no doubt what would have happened to his old rival.

“[If the fight had continued], I think Dustin would have broken both legs,” Nurmagomedov told Yahoo Sports. “I told you, no fighter ever has a second prime. Fighters, they don’t have two primes. They only have one prime. Maybe you can fight with fighters who are not on your level and you think, ‘Oh, I’m back in my prime again.’ No, it doesn’t work that way.

“Right now, Dustin is the best in the world. I believe he is the best lightweight in the world right now. If they fight 100 times, Dustin is going to beat him 100 times. This is my opinion.”
Rounda has always been a classless, crass and smelly trash of a person, so it does not surprise me that she supports The Glass Legged Rats behavior
The man has never once claimed to be a Saint. What he is saying is absolutely reasonable and was not directed at Rondas comment.

Khabib is the first one to tell you that he is nowhere near perfect and has a hot-headed streak. He tries to be a good guy but slips up. He actively says that he is not always a good example and to be better than he is in his poor moments.

I cant wrap my head around why so many people take issue with him saying this. He's right.
some people cant see grey
Nobody is perfect. Just because these guys and gals are exceptional at a craft they dedicate their life to does not mean they are exceptional at every aspect of human character. Joe Rogan should have never stuck that microphone in Conors face but he knows Conor speaks his mind and his mind was in a dark place and it would bring attention to UFC. Everybody including Khabib has cashed in off Conors antics and society eats it up. Look at the PPV buys. What kind of behavior does this encourage? Seeing Conors success probably turned Colby from a nice respectful young man into a loud mouthed lunatic.
if Khabib's wife had permission to speak she would agree

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