Relationship boundaries- would you find this acceptable?

<mma4> the only one I never stayed friends with,was a few years back, was dating some guy called War Machine, he sounded like he could be trouble, so I steered clear of her.<28><Y2JSmirk>
Yeah man, your decision then potentially prevented some major brain damage.
How do you guys feel about keeping in contact in girls you've flirted with (touching, pictures or even sex) whilst your in a committed relationship? This could be messaging or seeing them at work, hobby etc. Is there a problem if you guys are just friends and dont continue flirting or would you see it as disrespectful to your current partner?
If youre going to do that, why be in a relationship?
Im dealing with this now. Just started dating a girl i really like. Like possible wife type material. But im staying in touch with the girl i was banging when i met this girl. Ive told the old one that she is just a friend and we can no longer be intimate. But we still hang out and watch movies and go hiking and shit. I dont feel guilty to my girlfriend but i do wonder if im selfishly leading the other girl on by keeping her around.

How would you feel if you found out this girl was doing the same thing?
How would you feel if you found out this girl was doing the same thing?

Right off the bat without knowing details, I wouldn’t care for it at all. But if we talked about it and had an honest conversation on things I would be cool with it.

If she told me they were strictly friends, never had a meaningful relationship, there was zero physical attraction, and that the other person was lonely and didn’t have many friends and she fealt like shit if she kicked him aside, I think I would understand. I think I would want to meet him to lay the boundaries very clear though.
I laughed in a girl's face when we were breaking up and she said, "we can still be friends." Nah, I already have friends and I'm not the type of person who needs to be in contact with a million people.
Only an idiot is friends with their ex girlfriends.

Why on earth would you want to be pals with these people you broke up with in the first place. Doesnt even make a drop
Of sense
I've liked all of my exes for reasons beyond just the fact that I stuck my dick in them, so I never saw a reason to totally eliminate them from my life just because they are no longer sleeping with me. The only one I totally had to cut off was a crazy one that still wanted us to happen. Whenever I start dating someone seriously, I just let her know and introduce her to the ex(es) that I still have communications with, and they usually clearly see that there's nothing between us.

The whole "men and women/exes can't be friends" is weird to me.
OK then take the relationship out of the equation. How about someone you' just flirted with/groped/sent pics too? Would you feel that it wasn't acceptable to talk to them. Even if it was in a work/hobby environment and you hadn't kissed/banged them? I'm sure weve all flirted with someone who we see on a daily basis? Like work or a friend who you snogged when you were drunk?
So for me, it truly is just a friendship with a girl that I previously used to have sex with, although she was hopeful for more.

You're spending time with someone under the guise of friendship. You're not going to meet a mentally stable woman who is going to be cool with you being "friends" with a woman that you
1. Put your dick inside
2. Said woman is holding out in hopes this "friendship" turns into something more.

There have been women in the past that I slept with, and then continued to stay cordial with. It's not like I pretend these people never existed but I'm not out sipping lattes with them, telling jokes and shoulder bumping like a teenage drama show.

I'm not sure about the rest of you guys but I don't fuck my friends, figuratively or literally.