Returning to the mat after second vaccine...

I likely will be returning to training after getting my second shot. I'm currently in a state where there are excess vaccine doses, those in the priority groups who want the vaccine already have gotten it, and they're starting to make it available to the general public next week. I'm scheduled for my first jab next week.

The training will be mask on, no live sparring, probably minimizing number of partners, and potentially with people who are unvaccinated. The county i am in is in a state where active cases, new cases, deaths are all on the decline. If this changes, I will likely reconsider training despite being vaccinated.

I am also in a situation where PCR testing is readily available at no cost, so I can also stay on top of monitoring my status.

If you already haven’t committed time delayed suicide by the death jab, you will want to see the above video.
If your life isn’t worth the time it takes to listen to the video, the article below gives a summary

You can’t say you weren’t warned.
Ok. So I should get jabbed with the needle containing Geert Vanden Bossche vaccine that he is working on? His "universal natural vaccine" that he will make in the lab once he figures out the deetes.
Congrats. Taking the experimental genetic therapy shot just destroyed your natural immune system.

Any so-called martial artist that takes this untested death jab is not a martial artist. You failed to detect something that will kill you.

For a virus that has a 99.7% survival rate, why would you take something that has NO long term testing? I need no other argument than that. But, let's go on ...

The specific antibodies created by the DNA altering shot will dominate your natural immunity and you will be vulnerable to any variant in the future. In animal studies, the ferrets and cats that were inoculated all died when they encountered similar SARS viruses in the wild. Their natural immunity was destroyed. Research Antibody Dependent Enhancement. If you don't know what this means, and you took the shot already, you are a fool.

By the way, these death shots have 18 fragments of HIV-1 in them for gain of function purposes.

The person (Bill Gates) promoting this crime against humanity has publicly stated he wants to reduce the population of the world by 1.5B people.

The fact that they are injecting this poison into people DURING a pandemic, will guarantee that the virus mutates to more powerful versions because people taking these death jabs have an incomplete defense against the virus for several weeks. Research Immune Escape.

Congrats again. You spent hours researching half guard escapes on youtube. But, you took a shot that changed your body forever without ANY research.

You will be dead within 2 years.

You willing to bet your account on whether im alive in 2 years?
Time Delayed Death Jab sounds like a Kung fu technique.

If you already haven’t committed time delayed suicide by the death jab, you will want to see the above video.
If your life isn’t worth the time it takes to listen to the video, the article below gives a summary

You can’t say you weren’t warned.
Actually, this Geert Vanden guy has a very interesting take. People should look at this site:
But you of course are ridiculous and reading a retarded conspiracy theorists interpretation of what he is saying. If he is right, all of us getting jabbed with the needle isn't going to just kill us, it's going to kill you too. Good luck brother. I recommend locking down 10x as hard this go around if you are buying into the Geert Vanden theory.

If you already haven’t committed time delayed suicide by the death jab, you will want to see the above video.
If your life isn’t worth the time it takes to listen to the video, the article below gives a summary

You can’t say you weren’t warned.

Killer sources.

To anyone well informed on immunology your post is a train wreck of professional sounding words nonsensically held together with duct tape of conspiracy theories. 0/10 posts.
That is funny coming from Communist China, the most evil nation on the planet who started this plandemic.

The purpose of the Covid bioweapon created in a lab in Wuhan with help from US researchers from University of NC is to get the sheep to beg for the vaccine that will kill millions and depopulate the planet. The people that are left are to be enslaved under vaccine passports and the coming Great Reset. The psychopaths in charge want a Hunger Games like existence for a reduced population with an elite at the top.

A real martial artist can recognize an attack.
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If you already haven’t committed time delayed suicide by the death jab, you will want to see the above video.
If your life isn’t worth the time it takes to listen to the video, the article below gives a summary

You can’t say you weren’t warned.

That is funny coming from Communist China, the most evil nation on the planet who started this plandemic.

The purpose of the Covid bioweapon created in a lab in Wuhan with help from US researchers from University of NC is to get the sheep to beg for the vaccine that will kill millions and depopulate the planet. The people that are left are to be enslaved under vaccine passports and the coming Great Reset. The psychopaths in charge want a Hunger Games like existence for a reduced population with an elite at the top.

A real martial artist can recognize an attack.
I just hope you understand that your video you posted is referencing a source whos worried the way we are going about vaccines will end up creating worse viruses we can't resist. So if that ends up being the case, not getting the vaccine isn't going to help you, You gotta really stay off the mats and isolate yourself now.
Still haven’t been back since last March. Will likely return soon on a 1-2x week basis.

Might sound far fetch but the way I look at it, is, those gyms that have been opened for quite some time, if they didn’t have any outbreaks then, I would say they won’t now with more testing and vaccines. At least from what I have seen gyms have really not done anything different then before and there honestly is not much you can do in a sport when you need to touch a sweaty human other than maybe more frequent cleaning mats and restricting class size. Sorry, but getting water boarded by a mask on when rolling isn’t doing anything.
Dude, will you take your crusade somewhere else please?

The mRNA injection is a global intelligence test. Take it and you fail. It is suicide.

Martial arts are about defending yourself. My opposition to this death shot is the most valid thing on this entire website.
Wrong. Not getting the vaccine means my natural immunity is still strong. The mRNA injections destroy natural immunity. Take vitamin D3. Almost no one that died from Covid had sufficient levels of vitamin D3 in their system. Also, don't be obese. 80% of the people hospitalized for Covid were obese.

Vaccines are what is causing the spread of the variant COVID strains. It is forcing the virus to mutate. The injections don't prevent infection or transmission! So, the virus adapts.

We have reached the point where the world has become idiocracy. I'm telling you that it is okay to drink water. And, you think I am crazy.

Injecting yourself with chimeric, synthetic poison that you can never get out of your body is a death sentence.
You are listening to the video of the guy interperting Geert Vanden Bossche, you should actually go read Geerts paper so you have an understanding.
Not sure if it will help you because your original post said used a lot of real terms but in completely nonsensical ways...

Basically, as the virus adapts and becomes resistant agains the vaccine it's going to be deathly to everyone, not vaccinated people included.

At least that's the hypothesis. He is a legit scientist, but there isn't any evidence yet, it's just a reasonable conjecture. I'm saying if that's the line of reasoning you are following you better quadruple mask up and stay home. If you want to watch the video of a guy grossly misinterperting Geert than go ahead.
What’s up, Sherdog?
Has anybody waited to come back to the regular class until they got their second vaccine? I know lots of you just trained like normal. I got my second vaccine today. I’m training at 6 am with one partner twice a week at the moment. I’m thinking about joining the regular class in two weeks.
Is anybody else in the same boat as me? What do you think? Just back to normal? How responsible do you need to be?
Back on topic........

It's been a couple weeks. What did you end up doing? Back to the mat?
I took about 3 months off total. 1.5 months because of school closure and 1.5 months because the wife begged me. Been back ever since. No outbreaks at the gym but a couple of guys did get Corona from outside the gym.
Gyms closed down in March. Went back to training in June. Coached a NAGA tournament in November and picked up COVID. Was sick for about 4 days with fever and mild Flu like symptoms. Stayed away from the gym for 2 weeks so as not to infect anyone. Trained and competed in Pans & Old Man Worlds and am currently still training 3-4 times a week.

Now, my fraternal Twin is on medication to control diabetes and elevated blood pressure due to poor life choices. He picked up COVID while on vacation in the streets Puerto Rico. He was hospitalized for 3 weeks, 1 in ICU because he developed Pneumonia. He's recovering quickly at home now.

For me, I'm a healthy 55 year old with no morbidity modifiers looking at a virus that is over 98% survivable. I'm not staying home. I have the antibodies but if I pick it up again, I'll stop by the drug store and stock up on Nyquil, Gatorade, Vitamin C & Zinc then be back on the mats 2 weeks later.

Respectfully, your circumstances may be different so you do what you think is right.

*edit* By the way, I've heard that they'll require annual boosters to keep your "Vaccine Passport". I'm not saying its fishy but I'm not saying its not.
Guys, just watched this video by a Medical Professional and I like how its presented.

Lots of great info:
If you can get the vaccines definitely do it. I've got my first shot and so have much of my close family.

If we want to throw around personal acedotes, my 88-year-old great aunt got COVID and was fine. A friend in his 60's got it and died. My uncle got it and was fine. Another friend in his 50's got it back in Feb 2020 and he's still suffering from long COVID. A friend who is a ICU nurse had several coworkers die from it, including a young, healthy doctor. This is a very unpredictable virus and part of the problem is that so many people can get it and be fine so it keeps spreading.

I grew up around hippy anti-vaxxers and alt medicine believers so I'm familiar with all the fears over big pharma and the evils of mainstream medicine and instead putting faith in supplements and natural cures gurus. Thankfully my grandparents were both doctors and my grandmother worked in public health so my mom made sure I got all my shots as a kid.

"Mainstream" medicine is looking at Vitamin D in relation to COVID but the data isn't very strong yet in either direction but it's not going to stop the current spread:

Vitamins and "building a healthy immune system" are fine but these vaccines are even better.

If you can only get the J&J shot and you're worried it isn't as good, check out this video - in short all the vaccines are equally effective in preventing hospitalization and deaths which is what really matters:

The vaccines don't change your DNA and it's not gene therapy. It provokes an immune reaction to a specific protein that the virus needs in order to infect a cell. The science behind this is actually really cool. I'm excited for future mRNA vaccines because they open a lot of new avenues for vaccine development.

Looking at the 99.7% survivability rate and saying "I'll take those odds" is a shortsighted view. Let's say the case-mortality rate is 0.3% like people keep posting (I find a number more like 1.5% elsewhere but whatever). So that's 3 people dying out of every 1000 people who get it. Given how a virus can spread exponentially, that quickly becomes millions of (now preventable) deaths, even if you're lucky enough to not be one of them. Check out the latest global infection/death stats:

Before you say "but what about heart attacks, what about flu deaths, what about car crashes...", we already do a ton to prevent those deaths too: annual flu vaccines, car safety standards, etc. But COVID is a new (and now preventable!) cause of death and it's already in the top 3 causes of death in the US:

The jury is still out on if being vaccinated prevents you from spreading it but research to answer that is under way:

What I've seen doctors and scientists predict is that viral load should be lower so you'd expect the risks of spreading a serious infection to be lower too.

Bill Gates didn't say he wants to kill billions of people with a vaccine. He has talked about reducing mortality rates with vaccines while also giving more people access to birth control so they can choose when to have kids. That's what "reduce population GROWTH" means, not killing a bunch of people because he's a James Bond villain lol:
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