Rumored Reyes to return June 8th?

The GOAT slayer himself. The prince that was promised.

UFC need to cut him a break and give him someone who isn't capable of sleeping him. Smith matchup might be good.
Murzakanov doesn't have a fight, but he had pneumonia.

From the unranked guys, I would think he would easily beat:
Negumereanu - but the guy got brutally KOd by Ulberg and we haven't heard from him since then
Crute - bad striking

Too bad Jiri destroyed his chin, he was actually a very good fighter.
Hope this is like The Return of the Jedi.. where Reyes has been training with Master Seagal for his final run to end the evil Jon Jones once and for all...
He is still young, he should retire and learn a trade.

Maybe teach kickboxing for cardio on the side.