Crime Rittenhouse trial underway ***Verdict: Acquitted of all charges***

Did the evidence provided in Court proved beyond a reasonable doubt that Kyle R is Guilty of Murder

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It’s just …. How do people not see through this?
Its fucking surreal, makes me feel like a CTer or something. DON'T YOU SEE THIS IS ALL PART OF THEIR PLAN!


Wait, wait, hear me out. For real this time.

Ignoring the riot is the entire point. They want to protect the left wing right to riot. Kyle Rittenhouse showed the good squad that they couldn't just burn down Kenosha with impunity. That's why they have been so hysterical. Progressives needed him to go to jail so the next time they attempted to use large scale violence the brave, armed citizens would stay home.

People keep saying that Rittenhouse shouldn't have been in the city the far left wanted to burn, which is stupid. It was good that he was there. The problem was that he was outnumbered. Destructive riots should be aggressively opposed by the local governments, and failing that, by an armed militia.

It's a wild admittal that blm / sjw protests and riots are synonymous with each other and both should be tolerated by police and citizens. Its absolutely mind boggling those 3 scumbags are seen as peaceful protestors when all evidence suggests the mayhem was their actual purpose. The reactionary left (and social left media) rather defend a child pedo than question his purpose of being there for fear their cause getting painted in any negative tones
I think your problem here is you literally asked me what the fear porn was and then talked directly about an aspect of it without even knowing it. Conservatives are FAR more interested in trans issues than Liberals. It's a minute issue in society, used as a dog whistle by right wing shitbags to stir up the conservative masses.
No we aren’t you do realize it’s a response to what is being pushed into people’s lives also it’s not only right wing a lot of liberals won’t like this crazy PC push for trans .. it’s not even about a person dressing up as a girl ..
Here's a legal argument that addresses the officer's free speech rights as they apply to this incident.

Cop’s career ended by a $25 online donation and 'words of encouragement'

I'm not going to comment on the conclusion or post any details, I'm just going to leave the link for anyone who cares to look at more than a tweet before deciding if it was an unlawful termination.
Yea I remember when it happened and it wasn’t a illegal firing or anything but definitely wrong and immoral.
Its fucking surreal, makes me feel like a CTer or something. DON'T YOU SEE THIS IS ALL PART OF THEIR PLAN!


Wait, wait, hear me out. For real this time.


it is clear what they doing. without Kyle and their clowns pushing racism nonsense, they would have to cover these protests against the establishment

it is clear what they doing. without Kyle and their clowns pushing racism nonsense, they would have to cover these protests against the establishment

It's literally the government and media colluding to spread propaganda on a level I never thought I'd see outside of dystopian fiction novels. There are some people I used to call conspiracy theorists that I probably owe an apology to at this point.

...lolz at distance shooting with a glock... vs an ar15

the more you geniuses ramble/rage, the more it's clear that you know nothing at all...
By distance I mean being a few feet away, I'm not saying he needs to be far enough to measure the wind. An AR-15 is more precise at a farther range and has less kickback meaning there's less practice needed for reliable accuracy. It's baby's first firearm, a casual gun for enthusiasts and relatively easy to use for losers wanting to make a violent statement without putting time in to it.

An individual sitting awkwardly on the ground with a rifle nearly 3' in length has far less maneuverability and range of motion than an individual standing with a handgun. At a range of about 10' to 20', the handgun wouldn't be substantially less accurate. There's a serious difference as well when a person has many people on all sides to keep their sights on and a person focusing on a single target.

But yeah, I'm the moron who knows nothing.
it is clear what they doing. without Kyle and their clowns pushing racism nonsense, they would have to cover these protests against the establishment

You're not even exaggerating. Apparently there were mass (as in, legitimately gigantic) anti-lockdown/mandate protests in several countries on November 20. I only found this out through Ruptly livestreams on youtube. Swedish mainstream media virtually didn't mention them at all. All I found on MSM was a small notice about the protests in Vienna, on my local newspaper's website (no pics or vid). At the same time, I'm watching romans fill the Circo Massimo, parisians thronging the streets and having shoving matches with armies of gendarmerie, and an endless line of marching austrians in Vienna blasting 99 Luftballoons like it was the last days of the Soviet Union.
It's literally the government and media colluding to spread propaganda on a level I never thought I'd see outside of dystopian fiction novels. There are some people I used to call conspiracy theorists that I probably owe an apology to at this point.


Just look at the election.

Prior to, they created a social climate with their non stop lies about both Trump (russia, his criticism of China and the Wuhan lab, his entire COVID response, cover for hunter biden). Coupled with the Riots, which allowed BLM activists bully out poll watchers, etc.

then covered up by the main stream media and establishment, because still needed fraud. Censoring anyone on big tech speaking out, similar to people posting truth about rittenhouse. People speaking out about COVID.

and now the regime enables these globalists, their mandates. Same people who are weaponizing the DOJ against anyone seeking election integrity, parents speaking out against COVID mandates for their kids, or CRT in schools. Same people want to now have the DOJ look into Kyle.

These things are all interconnected.