Roll call for the 7am pre work rollers....


Brown Belt
Jul 25, 2008
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Who hear trains at the butt crack of dawn? And not because they like being up early or because they're a "morning person"... I'm talking about the guys or girls who wake up, roll out of bed and onto a mat, because it's the only time they can be it wife, kids, two jobs, whatever...

Impress me with your level of discipline... I need some motivation to stop hitting the snooze button in the morning. I'm getting my training in at night but it's time to step it up a notch.. Let's hear some stories.
If my mat was open at that time, I still couldn't make it in the mornings. It was 4:30am when I rolled into the gym for cardio intervals this morning and then off to work by 6am.
Ughh, I do an 11:00 a.m. class before work, and it's hard for me to drag my butt to the subway station at 10:00 a.m. in the morning-and that's not even late. It's even harder now since it's cold out, and I don't want to get out of my nice warm bed. In the summer, it's much easier. 7:00 a.m. is hardcore.
There's a 630 AM no gi class on MWF at my gym... doubt I'll ever be hitting that one up though.
MWF-6 a.m. gi-unless I'm injured. Our gym also has a conditioning class Tuesday and Thursday at 6 but i like to sleep in on those days.
I wish their was a morning bjj school around me. I work 3pm-11pm so I only get to train on my days off.
I do an MMA class starting at 7am, BJJ is only offered in evenings.

Set your alarm to a time when you can't snooze it, if you snooze once you will do it twice.
Have your clothes and bag packed the night before. Jump into the shower and out the door.
I am in no way shape or form a morning person.
I was on vacation once and had nothing to do all day except train, even in the late afternoon. This schedule lasted for 4 months and the gym I was training at had a 7am gi class 3 days a week. I loved it! great way to get the day started and excellent way to sneak in extra training while still making time in the rest of the day to do other things and still leaves ample time to make way for more training sessions later in the day
Being doing it for a year. Start at 6.30 to 7.30 am. Just choose 2-3 techniques you want to drill. Then roll for last 30 minutes
Man, props to you guys waking up for 6am classes. I have trouble waking up for 11am classes (terrible, I know >.<)
I have a wife and 5 month old son, so I can only do a morning class. Basically, wake up at 6 and have breakfast with the family. Class starts at 7:45 and I leave at 8:45, shower and I'm at work just after 9. I do this 4 days a week, usually MTTF.

I'd love to do both morning and evenings, or 5 days a week, but I'd never see my family.
I only do morning classes when I have to teach. Couple of times a week. I roll into the gym for 7:30 some days, 8 o'clock others. I've never felt the urge to come in and train that time in the morning. It's scary. ^_^

(This isn't very motivational, is it? Sorry. >_<)
I go in at 5 am twice a week. I'm really glad that my school offers morning classes or I would not be able to train near as much.
id love to roll right now instead of being stuck at work. you lucky bastards
Man oh how i wish there was early morning classes at my school...Classes run from 6pm to 9:30pm... Sometimes I am totally beat after work and wish I could have started my day with BJJ...
My gym doesn't even open up until 11:00...which makes the day time classes pretty much out of the question for me.
There used to be a class that I'd go to that early.

We may start up one in our newer location.