Rolling with smaller, bigger, and same size opponents.


Oct 24, 2010
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Which offers the most benefit? Should you focus on grappling other people with similar dimensions as you or focus on different sized guys? For example, I get the most realistic view of my skill level whenever I roll against a guy of my size, because we dont have any physical advantages over each other, but rolling with big guys really makes me work harder, and rolling with smaller guys forces me to be faster as they will get guard back really fast if you don't move quick.

If you are training for sport, shouldn't you focus on guys in your weight class or within 1 weight class?
I'm about 175. I struggle with those over 200 and SOME that are under 150, to be honest. The former are just too heavy unless I focus on taking the back, the latter I have a couple that are just so freaking agile and fast. I have to do both, but to be honest I have the most fun with people my age group and weight, which I am lucky enough to have about 5 or so regulars.

I'll leave others more experienced than me to tell you what is more benefial or not, but from pure fun and fair challenge I really enjoy rolling with those my size/age.
Same or greater IMO

Less end up just going easier or not taking every opportunity
If you are competitor you should be focusing/training with guys on your weight class.
Same size for me.

Bigger gives me more confidence, but body-wise it's still different, esp. if you're alot smaller
Same size. But I like to work on my bottom game sometimes with them. But I think working with heavier guys is good regardless. They pose more of a challenge on strength alone. Even trying to pass a guard can be more difficult than passing a same size guard.

But for working on speed/flowing/real match simulations, same size is the best.
If they are smaller I try to mostly play guard
When I was young I liked training with bigger guys.

Now, same size and age.

Bigger guys are not universally harder.above a certain weight, passing becomes easier (if you are a speed passer). Unless you are rolling with a big guy who is athletic like Buchecha, but those guys are rare.

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