rondas career is as dead as... dead as Bisping's eye?
That's pretty dead!

As dead as the next man who crosses the starter of this glorious thread.

mcTapper's ground game.

As dead as dana's jeans from last year!

As dead as gsp's killer instinct!

As dead get the picture

**you posting in a GOAT GUERNICA thread! Call your mom and tell her you love her!**


The GOAT strikes again.
mcTapper's ground game.

As dead as dana's jeans from last year!

As dead as gsp's killer instinct!

As dead get the picture

**you posting in a GOAT GUERNICA thread! Call your mom and tell her you love her!**

Yes! I my first Goat Guernica thread of 2017!

As dead as anyone who crosses the goat poster Guernica!

Guernica bless
Agreed didn't we have a poll on this and ban won by a few hundred votes

It was like 70% in favor of ban

377 fucking people voted yes
as dead as the #Guernikka gimmick tbh

Wtf does #guernica even mean??? I've seen this thing for the longest time, and never really bothered to give a crap, but I've finally had it. WTF is this???????

I just googled #guernica, and all that popped up was Picasso.
As dead as ufc's future
As dead as donations to the Clinton Foundation.

As dead as a buffet after Michael Moore buys a ticket.

Sorry, it's all I got.

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