Rothwell rips Stipe and implies that he's not being truthful about his first responder duties

I said it the past week in that pro Stipe thread that his excuse doesn't hold water any grown ass man that wants to train does so.

Real reason was keep DC waiting for payback and he doesn't feel like fighting right now wants to stay home with his family I would imagine, so he wants to push it as much as he can.

All this shade at his job and the other camp defending it.. not for my liking you either get what a part time firefighter does in a small county/city/village or you don't but with that said when the sh*t hits the fan even those need to rock up and do the job and I'm sure he has and will continue to do so. Keep it classy on that front.
Pretty sure Stipe isn't fighting because of his eye injury. Dude's latina partially detatched.
detached latina = he can’t “si”

But seriously, Rothwell has no business speaking on Stipe. Dude is 2-3 in his last five fights, and barely got by a career 205-pounder with a split decision this week. He’s nowhere near a title shot, so what does he care when Stipe fights?
It is true that Stipe is just a part-time fireman. But I don't know what his contract says about this situation. Maybe he has to be prepared on a 7/24 basis; maybe he doesn't have to, as Rothwell said. I wish here are some part-time firemen who can explain this to us.
Ben is right up in age to make him a perfect opponent for Stipe "the graverobber" miocic.

He's 1 year older than Stipe...?

I know you're all about bashing Stipe at every opportunity, but I don't think Big Ben is your best angle here.
That's fine so he can quit being a paramedic or quit being a mma fighter then. Just dont hold up the whole division.

Even if he could it would be extremely irresponsible for him to train in a gym while working as a paramedic right now.
That's fine so he can quit being a paramedic or quit being a mma fighter then. Just dont hold up the whole division.
Or people could wait like 2 months for the champion. The reason he was off so long was due to an injury caused by DC repeatedly poking him in the eye. If anyone is to blame it's DC.
Isnt he fully recovered for a while already?

Or people could wait like 2 months for the champion. The reason he was off so long was due to an injury caused by DC repeatedly poking him in the eye. If anyone is to blame it's DC.
Isnt he fully recovered for a while already?
then all hell broke loose. Events started getting canceled. You wouldn't all be crying because Stipe would have defended again already if not for DC being a dirty fighter.
Dude’s latina? Retina?

Shout out to Big Ben for exposing Stipe in yet ANOTHER one of his many lies.

When is Dana finally going to strip Stipe and give us Ngannou x DC for the real title?
An eye injury and a pandemic do not classify holding up a division. DC is not training now either. The hold up is DC and Stipe 3 as Daniel's last fight. Hopefully ending in glory and a huge payday before he moves to full time commentary along side Jon and Joe. He is I'm sure not just sitting around. He has always had the job and managed to train. Pandemic doesn't mean either guy can't train.
Straight facts but idk about the interim belt. Maybe give Stipe a certain date to return by and if he says no then have Ngannou vs DC for the interim belt.
Ben didnt you just come back after pissing hot? Now you gotta cause a ruckus against my boy Stipe whos out here risking his life to save others? Who gives a shiit if hes part time or full time what’s your lazy ass doing during this global pandemic... we just hit 300,000 global death toll.
UFC is a full time gig if u are a champ otherwise get stripped.
Lol, Ben is still salty cause he thinks Stipe was ducking him when they were scheduled to fight. I don’t know what’s more delusional, Ben thinking he could of beaten Stipe, or the fact he thinks Stipe is holding up a stacked division. Blame DC for eye poking, there being a pandemic, and Ben, blame yourself for being a journeyman level fighter your whole career, but don’t blame Stipe.

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