News Russia (90% Dagestan) obliterated Ireland in Amateur MMA championship


Aug 28, 2009
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Why do I have a feeling you are slightly bias? Pro-Russian if you will.
I'm very shocked that Russia beat the MMA powerhouse that is Ireland.
Dagestanis are obviously much better fighters than Irishmen, they don't need a tournament for people to realize that.

Dagestan Bless. SBG is a garbage team
Oh no... not the WMMAA...
Conor is a rarity in the Irish MMA scene. Only good combat fighters that come out of Ireland are boxers. That's why most of the top Irish MMA fighters are in bellator with 13-6 records

I highly doubt we'll see another UFC Champ from Ireland that isn't named Conor McGregor
Nobody cares besides incredibly butthurt russians who are still rustled 3 years later
Conor and SBG are alike to Jones and Jackson Winks.
It's not that the coach is good...
It's that the fighter is just too good!
Why do I have a feeling you are slightly bias? Pro-Russian if you will.

Facts are facts. The only way @ViD could have influenced proceedings via his alleged bias is by masquerading as a judge, infiltrating the event and subsequently judging each scorecard in favour of the Russian.