International Russia Toppled Former Chinese Foreign Minister to Prevent China from Pivoting to the West


Silver Belt
Dec 13, 2013
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Man this shit is just wild.

- Qin Gang, former Chinese foreign minister, was possibly an US intelligence asset.
- China began softening up to Ukraine and the US when he was appointed after his predecessor.
- Russia decided they cannot tolerate China from getting too close to the West, so they tipped off Xi.
- Guy gets purged and disappears. Wang Yi, his predecessor, got the job back.

The affairs that motivate political decisions can sometimes be too dramatic or bizarre to believe.

China's sudden and mysterious purge of foreign minister Qin Gang this summer was likely triggered by a tip-off from Moscow, sources familiar with China-Russia relations have revealed.

"Qin Gang became the first victim of the informational warfare that reflects a discord between China and Russia," one source said. "The issue is very deep."

Qin was suddenly removed from his post at the end of July. This was an important incident that impacted the international political dynamics related to Russia's Ukraine invasion, the source said. The dismissal was also carried out as a precaution of sorts ahead of the summit between Chinese President Xi Jinping and his U.S. counterpart Joe Biden in the U.S. in November.

It is a complicated political drama in which China and Russia share the lead role, with the U.S. appearing as a supporting character.

It all began in late May when a delegation led by Li Hui, a former Chinese ambassador to Russia, visited Ukraine and met with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. The meeting indicated that Beijing was starting to shift its posture toward the Russia-Ukraine war.

Li currently serves as the Chinese government's special representative for Eurasian affairs.
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10/10 Russia wrote this story cause it makes them look great in the intelligence world.
I thought Russia was a "Chinese vassal" though.