International Russia/Ukraine Megathread V13

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Any long term peace deal with Russia is impossible.
They are empire with approach like 700 years ago. Even all talks about nationalism and religions and muscowites excuses designed for dumb ppl are just waste of time.
Kiev is real Russia not Moscow.
Muscovites are nickname because Kiev had founded Moscow.....and muscovites managed to develop empire by using neo colonialism and brain washing tactique.
Only one real peace deal between Kiev and Moscow might be completely incorporate ALL Ukraine in Russian Federation or for short term temporary solution might be to cede to Russia some areas and install pro Kremlin oriented puppets to rule areas used for short time as buffer between Russia and EU.

This such sharp reality and if Ukr didn't had get that they are Kurds No2 then....bad for them.
Nope. I don't support the Russian invasion. But I understand it.

If someone beats their dog every day and one day that dog bites someone, I don't think that's a good thing, but I understand it.

If we bomb other countries constantly and assasinate their leaders and orchestrate coups and steal their resources, I understand why those countries and their allies don't like or trust us.

You think there's good guys and bad guys and the good guys are always right and the bad guys are always wrong. That's why you're happy to give $10B to guys with swastika tattoos. Because they're the good guys!

Never mind that every time we do this, every time we arm and train extremists to do our dirty work for us, it ALWAYS blows up in our face. Every. Single. Time.

But you'll never learn.
Yeah none of which happened in Ukraine which was proven to you.

That’s the other thing I meant to touch on. The reason we have all had such a laugh at your expense is because you came in here all hard out of nowhere and you played the Maga muppet pro Russian book almost word for word. But yeah sure you’re an open minded free thinker.

Yeah none of which happened in Ukraine which was proven to you.

That’s the other thing I meant to touch on. The reason we have all had such a laugh at your expense is because you came in here all hard out of nowhere and you played the Maga muppet pro Russian book almost word for word. But yeah sure you’re an open minded free thinker.

He didn’t come out of nowhere though. He was spewing the exact same foolish crap from a Fedor account and got shittcanned. Weeks later it’s now a Coleman account, and he’s somehow not been banned again yet.
He didn’t come out of nowhere though. He was spewing the exact same foolish crap from a Fedor account and got shittcanned. Weeks later it’s now a Coleman account, and he’s somehow not been banned again yet.
Ah. I mean I knew he was some banned poster, I just didn’t know who. I also figured he was in here using the some mindless playbook on that account too.
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Russians cosmonaut program is thriving

All well an good unfortunately when Ukraine commander of the combine military forces says that the Russians are holding their own via trenches and man to man warfare. The meat wall seems to be a somewhat despicable but effective strategy. The lack of airpower and Western long term support is a formula that in the end will cause Ukraine effort to fail.

I read the situation in Washington as a sign that the policy shift seems to reflect weaker then expected opinion on war funding especially in the Republican party in Congress. Putin willing to send 500,000 to their death or many more drains US and Western allies resolve it put great long term damage to Russia but in return they get more oil, natural gas, highly prized minerals to give them greater power then ever.
i was skeptical of Ukraine's estimates of russian losses being 6k kia & wounded but after watching some of these units get completely annihilated i think they might be closer to the truth.

i was skeptical of Ukraine's estimates of russian losses being 6k kia & wounded but after watching some of these units get completely annihilated i think they might be closer to the truth.

They appear to be doing multiple meat and armor wave attacks on a few fronts.The strategy seems to be to exhaust UKR ammo more then anything…. Crazy really.
They appear to be doing multiple meat and armor wave attacks on a few fronts.The strategy seems to be to exhaust UKR ammo more then anything…. Crazy really.
He didn’t come out of nowhere though. He was spewing the exact same foolish crap from a Fedor account and got shittcanned. Weeks later it’s now a Coleman account, and he’s somehow not been banned again yet.

No idea what you're talking about.
Ukraine general's view of war 'stalemate' appears to be recognition of failed counteroffensive: Reporter's Notebook
General Valery Zaluzhny said that the slower-paced warfare benefits Russia.

ByTom Soufi Burridge

The admission by Ukraine's top general that the war has reached a "stalemate" is simply a recognition, in some senses, of the reality on the ground and something we and others have already been reporting.

However, General Valery Zaluzhny's recent comments in The Economist will likely be used by House Republicans who are opposed to continued U.S. military aid for Ukraine amid their war with Russia.

President Joe Biden has sought a $106 billion national security funding request that includes aid to Ukraine and Israel. However, some Republicans have resisted attaching Ukraine to that request.

"Stalemate" headlines risk fueling the notion that the deadlock cannot be broken by a continuous supply of Western weaponry. However, holding Russia back and ensuring Ukraine survives as a state remains the central goal for the U.S. and its allies.

Zaluzhny also appears to be signaling by using such language that Ukraine's much-hyped counteroffensive, that began over the summer and had significant U.S. backing, is over. The offensive did not succeed.

In October, Russia waged a new offensive and mounted a renewed push to take eastern Ukraine.

Zaluzhny, commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, penned a separate essay for The Economist in which he makes a pitch for Ukrainian needs in the longer term. This essay is tantamount to an admission of the scale of the longer-term challenge now facing the Ukrainian military in this more "static and attritional" phase of the war.

Zaluzhny admitted the slower-paced warfare of today "will benefit Russia."

This is hardly a shocking revelation, but it is another sign that Ukraine is sounding the alarm to allies about the factors that are now in Russia's favor.

It is feared Moscow will produce greater volumes of key weapon systems as well as procure munitions from its ally North Korea.

Russia’s ability and willingness to sacrifice a greater volume of soldiers in the fighting could also work in its favor in the longer-term.

According to General Zaluzhny, Moscow also has more specific advantages in key areas such as electronic warfare -- jamming and spoofing drones and jamming navigational signals for missiles.

If the Biden administration can get Congress to back more funding for Ukraine, then future U.S. military aid packages could address some of the deficiencies Ukraine clearly has which are mapped out in the General’s essay.

That said, even Ukraine's top general is now talking down the prospect of a significant breakthrough.

"There will most likely be no deep and beautiful breakthrough," he said.

On the one hand, it's a frank assessment.

But it's also a significant change in tone from a senior official and with the world's attention elsewhere, Ukraine has its work cut out convincing the doubters about the benefits of funding this war going forward.
-you: buh buh Hunter Biden's laptop. Also there was a guy on the Colbert Report. Also a guy in NATO promised them something they just never wrote it down.

- I dont get. Biden is rich, stole a lot of money and bribes for more than 30 years, his worthless 100 years old son is rich. And they cant buy a new laptop?

Hunter and Joe are the real life Mandelbaum

They appear to be doing multiple meat and armor wave attacks on a few fronts.The strategy seems to be to exhaust UKR ammo more then anything…. Crazy really.
exhausts their ammo and soldiers. I had read some quote from a UKR soldier but can't find the article now. it was to the effect of "Russians send 100 soldiers to charge and if only 20 get through, we are tired from killing the other 80...". The article below references something similar.

Back in the forests around Lyman, Zakhid, a 26-year-old officer, said the next phase of the war would be tough and a true test of character for the military.

"We're exhausted, they're exhausted. But there are more of them, and they have more equipment."
And we're just gonna leave Russia alone, right? We're not gonna do anything like back coups in countries friendly to them and install puppet governments, right?

That works both ways but it has nothing to do with Russia just deciding to take over Ukraine.
And we're just gonna leave Russia alone, right? We're not gonna do anything like back coups in countries friendly to them and install puppet governments, right?
this is hilariously idiotic.

1992-1993 – Russia occupied Transnistria
1992-1993 – Russia provoked the Abkhazian war
1994-1996 – first Russian-Chechen war
1999-2009 – second Russian-Chechen war
2008 – Russian-Georgian war
2015-2022 – Russia’s invasion of Syria
2014-2022 – Russian-Ukrainian war

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