Russia/Ukraine Megathread V5

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Is that you da Speeit?? Or Putin himself?

Fucking LOL.
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those switchblade drones are fuckin tiny, launched like a mortar, you could put it in a knapsack , imagine bad guys gettin their hands on em.
edit, heres the larger type
i imagine it's because if it passed, any kind of UN support for ukraine would have been shot down since a un resolution already condemns anything "nazi" and pictures of the azov and others were easy to find.
i don't know.
Well if you put it that way... Derp on my part.

Makes more sense than my hot take.
those switchblade drones are fuckin tiny, launched like a mortar, you could put it in a knapsack , imagine bad guys gettin their hands on em.

Yes the smaller version is like a guided 40mm grenade with some 10km range.
those switchblade drones are fuckin tiny, launched like a mortar, you could put it in a knapsack , imagine bad guys gettin their hands on em.

Yeah, this would be good to take down a passenger airplane on takeoff or landing.

Let’s flood a war zone with them and see what happens eh.
Do I believe the Russian Army is purposely bombing civilian areas? No. Does that mean Russia is going around targeting hospitals and residential areas for the sole reason to demoralize the Ukrainian people? Highly doubtful. Is the actual objective to attack citizens? No. The US loves to lie about everything and anything, it doesn't make sense for Russia to do that, whether you think it does or not.
Are you Russian mate?
Look at what Russia has done in Syria to the civilian population.
Do you really think the Ukrainian Army is going to use an Ukrainian hospital to shoot at Russians?
Why do you think the US is lying about everything?
If Russia and the US are lying, who is telling the truth?
You posted an image, I couldn't even select text. It would have taken you half a second to provide the link to the info..... And no you didn't give the tweet until I asked again.

No I mean VK. I know that's what it's called now because I joined it the other day.

Earlier this month, Durov claimed that Russia's intelligence agency, the Federal Security Service (FSB), had pressured him to hand over personal data on VK users involved in anti-government protests in Ukraine. Durov said he refused to do so, though he's gradually ceded control of the company in recent months and has long butted heads with government authorities. Experts have speculated that the Kremlin is looking to tighten its grip over VK and other social networks in the same way it controls print and TV media. Many Russians used VK to organize widespread anti-Putin demonstrations in 2011 and 2012, when thousands took to the streets to protest allegedly rigged elections.

Seriously comrade, it's seems like you don't even know what's going on in your own country....

Russia's VK internet group sold to company linked to Putin ally

VK is VKontakte ("In touch") in Russian. And I tell you again, VK never was\is a state-run social network - on 16 September 2014, the group bought the remaining 48% stake of VK from United Capital Partners for $1.5 billion, thus becoming the sole proprietor of the social network.
Yeah, this would be good to take down a passenger airplane on takeoff or landing.

Let’s flood a war zone with them and see what happens eh.
it prob explains why they only sent 100, otherwise they would have to go in after with suitcases of dollars to buy em back like in afghanistan with the stingers.
Is that you da Speeit?? Or Putin himself?

The reality is that I have nothing against western people, I am western myself. I am just not blind to the truth and reality of world events like the vast majority of people. By some miracle I see the brainwashing of the mainstream media, I see it everyday and it makes me sick, and they are masters at it. They know how to word things perfectly to insuate something or put an idea in your head. The people are under a spell, and I could easily be one of the blind nitwits parroting the talking points of other blind nitwits, but instead I actually have a now rare ability to think about a situation and see it for what it is, without anyone having to tell me how to think. The problem with most people is that they have lost the ability to think for themselves and don't even realize it. You only think or know what you are told. You are overtrusting with with news sources that lie and deceive you on a daily basis. I am also human and can be decieved, we are all being deceived, but we do the best we can to try and navigate through life trying to find the truth. You guys trying to silence anyone with an opposing opinion is worse than anything I've ever said or done here. I let people speak their minds, and I try to argue it rationally. If you think someone is wrong about something, then explain to them why they are wrong and try to open their eyes on the truth instead of shutting them down and trying to silence them.
The reality is that I have nothing against western people, I am western myself. I am just not blind to the truth and reality of world events like the vast majority of people. By some miracle I see the brainwashing of the mainstream media, I see it everyday and it makes me sick, and they are masters at it. They know how to word things perfectly to insuate something or put an idea in your head. The people are under a spell, and I could easily be one of the blind nitwits parroting the talking points of other blind nitwits, but instead I actually have a now rare ability to think about a situation and see it for what it is, without anyone having to tell me how to think. The problem with most people is that they have lost the ability to think for themselves and don't even realize it. You only think or know what you are told. You are overtrusting with with news sources that lie and deceive you on a daily basis. I am also human and can be decieved, we are all being deceived, but we do the best we can to try and navigate through life trying to find the truth. You guys trying to silence anyone with an opposing opinion is worse than anything I've ever said or done here. I let people speak their minds, and I try to argue it rationally. If you think someone is wrong about something, then explain to them why they are wrong and try to open their eyes on the truth instead of shutting them down and trying to silence them.

hi alex. you can see through the media lies and wackadoodle conspiracy theories and find the truth. i'm not a smart person otherwise i would be gloating to a karate forum about it, and i'm not able to think for myself, so i'm just wondering if these dead ukranians are just a bunch of crisis actors, just like those victims of sandy hook?
The reality is that I have nothing against western people, I am western myself. I am just not blind to the truth and reality of world events like the vast majority of people. By some miracle I see the brainwashing of the mainstream media, I see it everyday and it makes me sick, and they are masters at it. They know how to word things perfectly to insuate something or put an idea in your head. The people are under a spell, and I could easily be one of the blind nitwits parroting the talking points of other blind nitwits, but instead I actually have a now rare ability to think about a situation and see it for what it is, without anyone having to tell me how to think. The problem with most people is that they have lost the ability to think for themselves and don't even realize it. You only think or know what you are told. You are overtrusting with with news sources that lie and deceive you on a daily basis. I am also human and can be decieved, we are all being deceived, but we do the best we can to try and navigate through life trying to find the truth. You guys trying to silence anyone with an opposing opinion is worse than anything I've ever said or done here. I let people speak their minds, and I try to argue it rationally. If you think someone is wrong about something, then explain to them why they are wrong and try to open their eyes on the truth instead of shutting them down and trying to silence them.
Seems like combating Nazism is a no brainer yes answer.

I can understand Europe being silent, because we're pussies, but America voting no?


You hate Russia so much you're losing braincells?
Can you explain what Putin means by the de-Nazification of Ukraine? Is this something he has already accomplished in Russia and now wants to bring to Ukraine?
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