International Russia v. Ukraine Conflict Megathread Vol. 2

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Looks like he's the Johnny Sins of Presidents.

Paging @secondsight
There might be. If they knew Russia was packing soldiers around the border months ago, they might have thought about this scenario

Maybe im over simplifying but if a bunch of scrubs from a ME cave learned how to fly passenger planes into our buildings after basically a weekend course then I'm sure actual trained fighter pilots would have a much lower learning curve.
Fighter jets confirmed and yes, I actually went through the press conference.

This is *incredibly* tough talk from Borrell who just days ago I considered a limp wristed coward.
EU clearly thinks that Ukrainian conventional capability is not going to disappear overnight.
Putin wanted to rearrange European security, this is not what he fucking wanted.

Yeah.. We are hearing fighting words from all over Europe.
Putin has really pissed Europe off.
I bet he never saw this coming
Yeah.. We are hearing fighting words from all over Europe.
Putin has really pissed Europe off.
I bet he never saw this coming

Hopefully this means that if Putin did use nuclear weapons then all of Russia would be carpet bombed by all of the EU so fast he'd have no time to do more damage.

"Hundreds of people protested Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in Belarus on Sunday. The protests came despite the fact that the authoritarian Belarusian government has sided with Moscow.

The anti-war rallies spanned at least 12 Belarusian cities, and human rights advocates reported that more than 170 people have been arrested. In the capital of Minsk, demonstrators marched in different parts of the city carrying Ukrainian flags. A large pile of flowers kept growing at the building of Ukraine’s Embassy."'
It is crazy seeing twitter, to see narratives/commentors and breaking news all at the same time.

Its cause Putin is part of the narrative. He is following orders from the top. This is what the elites planned.
Once again I want to say thank all of you for constantly posting info here. It's impossible to sort out what's real and what isn't, but it's a hell of a lot better than watching the same rehashed footage from the major media sources.
Putin's a dead man. He made a bad gamble that he could take Ukraine easily and it backfired, and now that he's jabbering about nukes, the oligarchs still there can't leave, and the rest of the Europe wouldn't let them land anyway, their stashed money is gonna get clipped.

Putin's only had as much power as he's had because the oligarchs let him. Once he's a liability for them, he'll be found hanging somewhere.

Um, yeah, military age guys are expected to stay and fight. Klitschkos, Loma, members of parliament, Usyk, effing beauty queens are grabbing guns and defending their country, and those pussies are trying to flee with women and children?

mayor Vitali Klitschko was silent for several seconds when asked if there were plans to evacuate civilians if Russian troops managed to take Kyiv.

“We can’t do that, because all ways are blocked,” he finally said. “Right now we are encircled.”

Then what? The city has 3 million people who are now pretty much all armed and the whole city is high ground.

Good luck occupying a city that doesn't want to be occupied, with 3 million armed citizens with high ground.

You haven't won a war until the vanquished says it's so, and it really doesn't look like the Ukrainians are going to just let homeboy take their country.

welp putin has deployed nuclear weapons.

Since the trump fucks say he'd handle this better, yeah we'd be dead

Lol, imagine injecting your pathetic "oh yeah, it would be worse if Grumpf was president".

You voted for a dog shit old man who's fucked up everything he's touched for over a year straight, removed our energy leverage, fucked our inflation, embarrassed the military and tried to antagonize and tough talk a nuclear power from about the weakest position the country's been in for decades.
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Anybody have any idea why my entire life i've called it Kiev(key-ev) and seen it spelled that way and all of a sudden every single time I see it it is spelled Kyiv and pronounced (Keev)? How does that happen did everyone at the same time realise that they were saying and spelling it wrong?
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