Social ruth bader ginsburg award celebrating women...the nominees are..

That's kind of funny. The rationale for it is apparently that RBG was a trailblazer and the organization wants to recognize trailblazing regardless of gender.

Attention whoring has the whole world acting up.
Democrats have made it clear that the concept of what a woman is, is very complicated and not necessarily related to biology.

Congratulations to the vagina challenged gals.

100%. Disgusting transphobia so far from the leftists ITT. We won't rest until women with penises win all awards for women.
Top tier shitbag move. Well done

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whats funny is that ALL of the people that cant tell what a woman is on the streets can tell very easily and quickly in the sheets....
What are you confused about? Gender is social a construct, and thus, "woman" is indefinable. Why are you mad that these beautiful and powerful women received an acknowledgement for their important work, which will undoubtedly forward the movement towards true equality? You seem a little bitter that these women are getting their due. Be better.
What are you confused about? Gender is social a construct, and thus, "woman" is indefinable. Why are you mad that these beautiful and powerful women received an acknowledgement for their important work, which will undoubtedly forward the movement towards true equality? You seem a little bitter that these women are getting their due. Be better.

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