SBBC: Apparently anyone can become a Mod

Who does Puo ban first?

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Frunk23 is out of the running, Frank just sent me a couple threatening PM's and lets just say his operating system is overheating

None of this is true. :icon_lol:
Frunk23, a living legend is in our midst here, folks.
Is there is a better contributer on this forum, Puo?

Yes or No?


What are your thoughts?

You forgot the link to CM Punk's fighting record, which is 0-0 btw.
Wasn't a huge fan of any of the movies.

I've seen the movies, not a lot of the show though. I thought the countdown to liquor day one was funny, and I saw the episode with Conky.
The movies were alright but the show was amazing from seasons 1-5
what the hell tv show is TPB?
canadian comedy show set in Kadark/True's neck of the woods, the cuts in Canada
never heard of trailer park boys. sounds dumb.
it's kinda like a Canadian Always Sunny in that regular people get in absurd situations which is half the comedy, the timing/delivery probably accounts for rest. not a bad show

if you don't find that funny trailer park boys isn't for you
kadork hasnt come back?
heard of it. tried watching it. meh.
maybe not high enough.
just bought some strawberry cough today at the club.

and ordered some ambien online from some overseas company.
ha, so easy. US can't control that shit.

they literally sell all prescription shit without hassle.
heard of it. tried watching it. meh.
maybe not high enough.
just bought some strawberry cough today at the club.

and ordered some ambien online from some overseas company.
ha, so easy. US can't control that shit.

they literally sell all prescription shit without hassle.

Are you juiced up Diablo and Mt. Hamilton too?
Careful holmes, you may end up with some screwy knock-off from china. That shit doesn't go over too well
And here I thought all cops do things by the book
It is funny how easy it is to send drugs though. I knew a kid that'd order heroin from his dealer like 5 states away. I'd show up and he'd have a few grams and a handful of needles. Thought it was packaged up well, but nope, just a few grams in a small ziplock bag and the individual needles just thrown into a mailing package. Never failed. Bless the mailing system
lol at juicing.
I did get some killer Eriacta last year from south america
for when my young (39) ex-gf comes over.

I'm a civilian now! I don't need no stinkin rules!
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