Scott adkins padwork

Ha, I wrote a big post about how it looked too choreographed and lacked defence, then I googled who it was....doh

I don’t want to pick on the guy at all, because he was obviously putting on a show and looked good doing it. It is however a good reminder that although perfect technique is important, even more important is the application. There are people i know at my gym that look outstanding hitting pads, but put them in a ring with a real life oppo and they fall to shit. The beautiful technique turns in to rushed, sloppy miss-timed windmilling.
Anyway, I digress. Nice video
Is that Yuri Boyka after USADA got involved in the prison scene?
So, why didn't Marvel hire Mr. Adkins to play Iron Fist? You know, get the actor who actually has a martial arts background to play the best martial artist in the Defenders? Such a missed opportunity. Instead they wasted him as a henchman in Dr. Strange.
Any one who throws a good front leg round house gets my approval.