International Secret Nazi Lair From World War II Found Hidden Deep Within Argentine Jungle


Si vis pacem, para bellum
Dec 6, 2010
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This fascinating find is for the History/Anthropology buffs in the forum :)

Secret Nazi hideout found in remote Argentine jungle

By Terrence McCoy | March 23, 2015


They called them “ratlines.”

In the final days of the Third Reich, when its demise was imminent, adherents realized that if they didn’t escape they would go down with it. So they devised a system of escape — ratlines — that funneled thousands of war criminals through Spain to points west and south. Abetted by Third Reich sympathizers, many swarmed into South America, beginning new lives from Brazil to Argentina.

Argentina is now where myths, rumors and historical facts of that time collide. The stories say Nazis arrived by rubber dinghies off the coast of Patagonia, bedraggled from the long journey. The stories say crates of Nazi gold hit the beaches, then vanished into the foggy Andes Mountains. The stories say Hitler himself found new life in an Argentine idyll, “doddering peacefully in the Andean foothills attended by faithful Nazi servants.”

Some stories are more true than others. It’s true that the Argentine government, under the command of Nazi sympathizer Juan Domingo Perón, did bring in hundreds, if not thousands, of Nazis. “In those days, Argentina was a kind of paradise to us,” Nazi Erich Priebke remembered in 1991. And it’s true that some major Nazi operators escaped there, including Adolf Eichmann, a Holocaust mastermind arrested in 1960 in Buenos Aires and later executed in Israel.

According to a fresh findings announced over the weekend, it’s also true the Nazis made it deeper into the Argentine jungle in search of refuge than anyone imagined. Hundreds of miles north, along the border with Paraguay, rises the Parque Teyú Cuare. A path winds into the nature preserve, opening to a trove of “mysterious buildings” that are “battered by time,” reported the Argentine newspaper Clarin. “What were these buildings? Who built them? For what?”

It now appears there may be an answer. According to a team of Argentine researchers led by Daniel Schavelzon of the University of Buenos Aires, the three buildings were built by Nazis.

Read the rest of the report at:
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This kind of thing is endlessly fascinating to me...

Very interesting thread, TS.
I am also interested in history such as this. Good find TS. I clicked on the attached URL and the three German bunkers were found in northern Argentina on the border of Paraguay.
It sure is.

Absolutely. In another life and with a lot more intelligence, I might have made a good Anthropologist...

I really have a passion for History and when I see things like this, I take notice.
Would be interesting to know how many scientists and persons of intellect made the transition there and to other parts of S America. I'm sure not all were snagged up and employed by countries like the US.
Absolutely. In another life and with a lot more intelligence, I might have made a good Anthropologist...

I really have a passion for History and when I see things like this, I take notice.

Ah, me too, man, me too.

Intelligence I have in abundance, I just don't wanna die in the middle of nowhere after getting bit by a snake or falling into a hidden trap! :D

My childhood's adventures include such games as Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis, The Secret of Monkey Island, and Ripley's Believe it or Not!: The Riddle of Master Lu. A much safer way to be an anthropologist :icon_lol:
I'd like to imagine Otto Skorzeny was involved, that dude was everywhere.
thats partially why, like i said in the other thread, theres so many "hitler escaped to argentina" theories, some have pictures but theyre not very clear
thats partially why, like i said in the other thread, theres so many "hitler escaped to argentina" theories, some have pictures but theyre not very clear

There's anthropology, and there's conspiracy theory.

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Imagine if Hitler was still alive and they found him there?? And they sent him to Israel...omg

imagine if that happened in the 1960's when he was still coherent

ohh man oh man oh man