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Serious Movie Discussion XL

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Terminator and Battlestar Galactica are two that I've been meaning to check out.

I always forget about Battlestar Galactica. @Dragonlordxxxxx got me to watch that way back in the first movie challenge and it was fucking awesome but I've never rewatched it. I should probably do that soon. I know you like a good sci-fi story, so those two would make a good pair. They were also scored by the same guy, Bear McCreary, who's the Hans Zimmer of TV shows (he also did the music for the first season of my beloved Human Target). I also just looked him up on IMDb to see what he's been up to lately and it turns out he scored 10 Cloverfield Lane :cool:

Hannibal would just be a straight favor.

Really? You have zero interest in arguably the GOAT? Everybody in here who's seen it loves it. I love it, HUNTER loves it, Ricky loves it, Shot loves it. It's fucking mesmerizing.

I'll watch it if you watch Nathan For You. Have i told you to watch this before? I think we agree the most when it comes to humor, and you will love that show. I guarantee it.

Literally never even heard of Nathan For You, so no, you've never recommended it before. I looked it up and I still can't tell: Is it a sitcom like The Office or a reality show like Gym Rescue?

In any event, I'd say stick with Terminator and Battlestar Galactica for the time being and maybe we can do a Hannibal/Nathan exchange down the road.

AHS. Didn't bother after season 1 ended so poorly.

Good call. It sucks.

Breaking Bad. Didn't like it til season 4.

Given your take on TV, I'm stunned you powered through three seasons you didn't like. I've tried twice and I've never made it past the first few episodes.

Dexter. Quit after one episode.

Consistency isn't one of its strong suits, but seasons 4 and 5 are incredible. I can understand pulling the plug, though. I didn't get into it until the second season.

Shameless. Labored through seasons 3 and 4, quit halfway through 5.

Never bothered and don't care to.

Newsroom. Lasted about one or two minutes after the opening scene.


Saw some. Some Sopranos, some Band of Brothers, some Entourage, some John From Cincinnati. Maybe others.

When it comes to HBO, Oz is where it's at. And True Blood, but nobody in here seems to have the amount of awesomeness required for that show.

I like comedies is all.

On the strength of Seinfeld, did you ever bother with Curb Your Enthusiasm?

Entourage is the worst.

You've still got some snob left in you, I see :p
Saw some. Some Sopranos, some Band of Brothers, some Entourage, some John From Cincinnati. Maybe others.

I like comedies is all. Flight of the Conchords i liked. Summer Heights High and Angry Boys were the best I've seen on HBO.
If you liked Flight of the Conchords you need to check out " What We Do in The Shadows " if you haven't already.
I looked it up and I still can't tell: Is it a sitcom like The Office or a reality show like Gym Rescue?

I don't know what gym rescue is, but it's a reality show. It's basically bar rescue only he uses absolutely absurd (occasionally effective/brilliant) ideas to save different small businesses that the patrons want nothing to do with. He plays up this really awkward, lonely character. I've never seen anything so funny in all my life.

A lot of the shit he's done has gone viral, made the news, etc. without ever being tied to the show until that episode airs.
(not as bad ass as her character in the Lethal Weapon movies, but wait, I forgot you don't like those either :mad:).

Woa Woa Woa stop with the slander I have a reputation to think about! :D

I like the Lethal Weapon movies, they are solid fun -- I just don't think that they stand out in comparison to the other titans of that era. They are good but not great.

minute to realize how awesome it is that Anthony Hopkins is Odin

It might have been awesome if they actually made Odin into an awesome character. Hopkins is pulling a 9-to-5ver in that role. And with the material he's in who can blame him?

The stroke of genius, though, was her angle with Portman. That was the most novel version of the "guy brings girl home to mom" angle I've ever seen, and when Thor introduces her to his mother, it's just so perfectly done. You've got this girl who's been transplated to ANOTHER FUCKING DIMENSION, hanging out with her bf/Thunder God

Frankly, I don't even rember much of that. I just remember thinking that the "Human and Asgardian" interactions came of as totally cringe-worthy and hackney, simply becuse of how silly the contrast was between them when placed in such a situation. It's like walking in on a bunch of larpers.

Literally extinguishing all light and life in the universe isn't gravitas enough for you :eek:

Concept is nothing, excecution is everything. The Dark Elves came off as the most overplayed, overdramatized, lazy villians I can think of. It pains me to see Norse mythology birth the inspiration for such crap.

and The Body Snatcher, with Boris Karloff just dominating every fucking frame of that movie.

Cool. I always was one of those Karloff > Lugosi types of people, even though I love the original Dracula.

We are when the producer is Val Lewton

So would you be okay If I started refeering to Rebecca as a David O Selznick flick?:p (jk)

While businessmen were rising to spectacular achievements of creative ability and self-confidently ambitious courage, challenging the primordial dogma of man’s poverty and misery on earth, breaking open the trade routes of the world, releasing mankind’s productive energy and placing in its service the liberating power of machines ... what philosophy was offering, as an evaluation of their achievements and as guidance for the rest of society, was [the philosophy] of Marx, who proclaimed that the mind does not exist, that everything is matter, that matter develops itself by the dialectical process of its own 'super-logic' of contradictions, and what is true today will not be true tomorrow, that the material tools of production determine men’s 'ideological superstructure' (which means: machines create men’s thinking, not the other way around), that muscular labor is the source of wealth, that physical force is the only practical means of existence, and that the seizure of the omnipotent machines will transfer omnipotence to the rule of brute violence. This was offered as a philosophy of history and of political economy."

Not the most satisfying takedown I've ever seen of Marx. Take truth for instance, Marx did believe in universial truths (like a class-based society always leading to class-struggle, for example), he just -- oddly to my thinking -- had a very functionalistic approach to "truth" (and a rather lazy one I must say). Something is true if it affects the world -- meaning that what was true depends on how your material/cultural surroundings appear, meaning that what was true varies across time and space.
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@Flemmy Stardust

is the GOAT. It's the only TV show that I've watched again right after I finished it. Like, that show is dope as fuck. Season 3 gets a little out there, I will say, it feels like 2 separate seasons in one more than the other 2 do. Originally I thought Season 2 was the greatest season ever, and I still might, but I rewatched Season 1 the other day and god damn, that was so good. I can't pick. Season 1 or 2 is the best season ever, the show is the best ever, and season 3 is good as fuck as well. A lot of great moments in that season. It's really deep, makes you think, it's well done, it's aesthetically beautiful in every scene, the soundtrack is amazing --- it's really a great show.

But, both Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles and Battlestar Galactica are GREAT! I love both. I probably have more sentimental stock in Battlestar, but I loved TSCC. You really can't go wrong with any of those 3.

Don't sleep on Battlestar though, like that show is deep in its own way. It's not like Hannibal at all, but it really makes me think and reflect on my life in many different areas. Very strong characters in this show. It's really good.
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You've talked about time-constraints before, so let's put it down to Hannibal or TSCC -- both are great, but you should watch Hannibal because it's just SO great you have to watch it. Like, how you feel about Mad Max: Fury Road or how I feel about Black Swan that's Hannibal for a TV show -- it's THAT good.

Battlestar has a shitload of episodes, and you should watch all of them eventually, but my pick is Hannibal if we're starting with one of those 3.
I've seen some. I always thought it was funny, but nowhere near Seinfeld.

I love Curb. Larry often comes off as a combination of Costanza and Jerry to me- like George he gets caught up on such minute things and attempts to do well only to really fuck things up. The episode where George is concerned about the security guard for instance and gets preoccupied about getting him a chair is like the type of mentality that I often see Larry have on the show.

But he doesn't come across as nearly as insecure as George in my opinion- so I see more of a confidence/self-satisfaction similar to Jerry.

Curb also benefits from being more unhinged than Seinfeld because of the more blatant language and sexuality they can get away with.

A lot of hilarious supporting characters too- Jeff Garlin was great, Super Dave was hilarious, Richard Lewis, hilarious. Susie Essman would crack me up so much at times. Really wish they would do another season.
A lot of hilarious supporting characters too- Jeff Garlin was great, Super Dave was hilarious, Richard Lewis, hilarious. Susie Essman would crack me up so much at times. Really wish they would do another season.

Schwimmer always cracked me up on it.
This weekend was fucking insane. I went to a martial arts cinema conference on Friday. Not only did I get to meet Bey Logan (he was the opening keynote and participated in a panel about the film industry from the marketing/distribution side of things) I got to debate him on the merits of MMA after my presentation. He's exactly as cool as you'd think/hope he'd be. Over the course of the day, I got to talk one-on-one with him about half a dozen times and I lost count real fast how many times in a conversation he'd ask me if I'd seen this movie or that movie and I'd have to say no. The man has seen every fucking martial arts movie ever made! It's also just cool to have been able to shake the hand that pulled Bruce Lee's lost footage from The Game of Death out of a vault so that the world - and, more importantly, so that I - could see it :D

Sounds awesome, man. Glad you had a good time and got to speak with him.

I also ended up going on a big Marvel kick. I watched Iron Man 3 and Thor 2 for the first time, rewatched The Avengers, and then watched The Avengers 2 for the first time.

I was surprised at how little I remembered from The Avengers. I barely even remember what my response to it was. I think I was pretty lukewarm, which I have to imagine was because of how little I knew/cared about the characters. Rewatching it having seen and loved Thor and Captain America 2, I found myself fucking loving it. I might even like it more than Captain America 2. It felt like every scene was better than the last. That huge set-piece on the submarine/airplane thing was spectacular (although, for me, Thor seems to suffer from Superman syndrome in that I don't find it plausible that he'd have a difficult time with anybody/anything, including The Hulk) and then the finale was phenomenal (loved RDJ going through that wormhole with the nuke).

It's just so much fun. And it, more than pretty much any comic book movie that tries to stuff in many characters, succeeds in giving every single hero his/her moments to stand out and shine. It was a great culmination of the phase one movies. So many good scenes and not just the action, but the scenes where the characters interact with one another.

I particularly loved the dynamic between Ruffalo and RDJ (and they continued with it very well in the second movie) and the tension between Evans and RDJ (which builds well to Civil War). My favorite scene might very well be when they all start getting on each other's case in the Helicarrier, right before Loki makes his escape. Banner talking about his attempted suicide, Stark and Rogers talking shit to one another, Thor complaining about humans not being as civilized as he thought them to be, etc. Great fucking scene.

The action was great to boot. The one thing I'd say that got on my nerves is that some of the quips/one-liners were a little forced or just downright lame. For example, when Stark says, "I'm bringing the party to you guys." and then Scarjo says, "I don't see how that's a party.." completely unnecessary line.

Loved all the actors in their roles though. Renner had a thankless part of course but his fight with Johansson was pretty legit and they obviously made up for it by giving him a much more substantial part in the sequel.

After that, I went to Iron Man 3, and I loved the hell out of it. Before the next Avengers comes out, I'm going to do a proper run through of literally every Marvel movie that they've made since Iron Man in chronological order so I have everyone/everything fresh in my head, but after loving Iron Man 3, I was tempted to rewatch the first two (I remember literally nothing about either except Mickey Rourke from the second one talking with an accent). Didn't people say Iron Man 3 sucked? I don't know what could've possibly bummed people out. RDJ was hilarious, as usual, and his PTSD freakouts were great, especially being paired with that kid (loved that moment at the end). I also liked the Guy Pearce angle, I was loving Favreau in the beginning (did he act in the first two?), and the ending was shocking and awesome.

I found it to be good...but moderately good. I wasn't overly impressed. I thought there was great stuff in there (RDJ is phenomenal in all these films), the interaction with the kid was enjoyable, the early sequence establishing Pearce as the villain in the flashback to '99 was cool, but then a lot of it just didn't come together for me.

The final battle- where you have all those different Iron Man suits battling on Tony's behalf, is a key example of something that on paper sounds so badass, but ended up being executed in a way that seemed confusing/loud/and messy.

Oh and don't get me started with Ben Kingsley. That bait and switch basically annoyed me because I thought they made those Mandarin viral videos so cool and had such an air of menace and mystery around the character that what they ultimately do can only strike me as squandering a big opportunity for a few cheap laughs.

In the end, I view it as an improvement over Iron Man 2, but a significant downgrade from the first.

Same thing with Thor 2. @europe1, didn't you call this the worst superhero movie ever? I FUCKING LOVED IT! I loved Thor and I actually think Thor 2 was even better. The war angle was cool as hell and the attack sequence was amazing, Natalie Portman's arc with that London portal thing was cool, all of the shit with Loki - who I've hated (not in the good way you're supposed to hate the villain) every time out - was brilliantly conceived and excuted (except the ending, that was dumb, I wanted that story to end on the fantastic note it pretended to), and holy shit Kat Dennings was funny as fuck. I think I laughed at every single scene she was in. The writing was just fantastic (it probably also helps that I've been doing the American in the UK thing myself for the past year) and the comedic relief was not only hilarious in and of itself but it was integrated flawlessly with the action (her making out with the assistant is probably the hardest I've laughed in any superhero movie ever other than RDJ's Point Break line in The Avengers).

I enjoyed it. I didn't think it was as good as the first Thor (which I loved) but it was definitely fun and well executed.

One thing that seems to be a consistent criticism is that Malakief (spelling?) and the Dark Elves were horrendously dull villains. But I actually liked Eccleston's character. One thing you find with a lot of the villains in these movies is that they have a personal grudge with the hero to the extent that destroying said hero is one of the most significant items on their agenda/plan. What I liked about Malakief was that he really couldn't have given two shits less about Thor. Sure he hated the Asgardians on principle as they had thwarted his crew initially, but his objective was more just about snuffing out the universe in general so he treated Thor with almost a derisive neglect, more of a nuisance than anything else. And I thought that was a cool angle.

His stoic nature was also pretty cool. I liked Ronan from Guardians of the Galaxy a lot, too and I feel that the characters were relatively similar.

The Loki stuff was handled very well. In fact, the sequence where he and Thor are on the same page to trick the Elves into freeing Portman of the Ether, was so cool (the look of the planet that occurred on, the way it was shot, the way that Loki saved Thor and took the hit for him) was so well done that it did kind of diminish it when you saw that Loki hadn't in fact died.

Agree completely that Dennings was hilarious. Key example of someone gaining more success in the interim between two movies (thanks to her CBS show) and therefore getting an expanded role and more comedic moments to shine. I thought she was great. So funny.

Conversely, Skarsgard, who shows up in so many of these films, seemed labored and forced going from earnestly played character in the first film to bumbling comedic relief in this one.

It wasn't an excellent film, in my opinion. I wouldn't call it a top 5 Marvel movie. But it was definitely good. Would have liked to see a little more of Thor's friends.

Hemsworth is great and Portman seemed more comfortable in the role than she had been in the first film.

Unfortunately, the awesomeness stopped with The Avengers 2. That movie was just a massive fuck-up. All of the comic backlogs, all of the insane villains, and they go the AI route? I thought that was a stupid decision right there. Add to that the creation of another AI who I still don't really understand but who seems to be the smartest and strongest thing to ever exist (when he picked up Thor's hammer, I seriously considered just stopping the movie).

All of the ancillary stuff - Renner's arc, the Scarjo/Ruffalo arc, the Evans/RDJ arc, Jackson popping in, those freak twins - was on par and was working splendidly, but the core conflict was just dumb and the villain sucked. Also, the effects in the opening scene were hysterically awful. The first one is absolutely stunning, and the contrast just cracked me up. And the finale is so conspicuously redoing the first one, just much lamer. Hopefully they come up with some new/better ideas for the next one.

See I like that one. It was entertaining. Redundant of the first? Absolutely. Cringeworthy in its jokeyness at times? Definitely. But I was entertained throughout. Most of the stuff that you said was good- the RDJ/Rogers angle, QuickSilver and Scarlet Witch, Renner in general, etc. I thought was strong enough to counteract the bad.

And yes, Ultron was a pretty lame villain. He should have been threatening and he was not. In fact, Spader made him way too snarky when he should have been menacing.

I thought Hemsworth was awesome in this one. Had some really funny lines/moments in the earlygoing but they didn't seem forced or out of place.

Wasn't a big fan of Hulk/BW romance as it felt very much out of left field to me.

The big action sequence at the end was very repetitive of the first film like you said, but I liked it. The thing is these big battles are all about The Avengers crushing cans. Sooner or later they are going to have to give the fights more weight by making the threats more credible. In The Winter Soldier, Rogers faced serious adversity multiple times and characters who you'd think have a free pass to the sequels definitely seemed in danger. In The Avengers and The Age of Ultron, it's like these battles are all fun and games where the heroes wreck house.
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Schwimmer always cracked me up on it.

Well that season 4 story arc where Larry is in The Producers is definitely one of the funniest in my opinion. Both Ben Stiller and Schwimmer were great that season.

I don't know if you saw the one with Schwimmer's father, but it is easily one of my favorite of the series. The ending had me cracking up.
Didn't think Thor 2 was good at all, pretty much totally agree with europe1's complaints. It felt cheap to me.
I love Curb. Larry often comes off as a combination of Costanza and Jerry to me- like George he gets caught up on such minute things and attempts to do well only to really fuck things up. The episode where George is concerned about the security guard for instance and gets preoccupied about getting him a chair is like the type of mentality that I often see Larry have on the show.

But he doesn't come across as nearly as insecure as George in my opinion- so I see more of a confidence/self-satisfaction similar to Jerry.

Curb also benefits from being more unhinged than Seinfeld because of the more blatant language and sexuality they can get away with.

A lot of hilarious supporting characters too- Jeff Garlin was great, Super Dave was hilarious, Richard Lewis, hilarious. Susie Essman would crack me up so much at times. Really wish they would do another season.
You left out Ted Danson ,

"I didn’t meet Larry until shortly after he had shot the pilot of Curb Your Enthusiasm. I met him on a place that we both go to—we both live in Martha’s Vineyard when we’re not in California—and we met through mutual friends. We sat there looking at his pilot up in this attic room that was the only room that had a TV in it. It was boiling hot, it was after dinner, and… a couple of folks watching fell asleep. Please quote me. I think—and I’ll speak for myself, I don’t know if Mary felt this way—I felt a little sorry for him. I thought, ‘You know, it’s a nice idea, but…’ But I said, ‘Well, let’s be supportive and say, ‘Hey, Larry, if you ever need anybody, please call us. We’d love to take part in it in any way, shape, or form.’ And a year later or something, we got a call."
You left out Ted Danson ,

"I didn’t meet Larry until shortly after he had shot the pilot of Curb Your Enthusiasm. I met him on a place that we both go to—we both live in Martha’s Vineyard when we’re not in California—and we met through mutual friends. We sat there looking at his pilot up in this attic room that was the only room that had a TV in it. It was boiling hot, it was after dinner, and… a couple of folks watching fell asleep. Please quote me. I think—and I’ll speak for myself, I don’t know if Mary felt this way—I felt a little sorry for him. I thought, ‘You know, it’s a nice idea, but…’ But I said, ‘Well, let’s be supportive and say, ‘Hey, Larry, if you ever need anybody, please call us. We’d love to take part in it in any way, shape, or form.’ And a year later or something, we got a call."

Can't believe I forgot him as I'm a huge fan of Cheers as well. Danson is great on Curb. So funny. The episode where Larry shows up a day late to Funkhouser's party so as to get out of going without seeming like he deliberately passed it up is a great episode featuring Lewis, Danson, Super Dave. Very funny.

THat's a hilarious quote. I had no idea he and Danson didn't meet till around 2000. Always figured they knew each other during the Seinfeld early seasons/Cheers final seasons. Thus, the hilarious Seinfeld exchange where George feels insulted about what they're getting paid for the pilot because he is completely preoccupied with Ted Danson's salary. Always one of my favorite exchanges between George and Jerry from Season 4.

George: I can't live knowing Ted Danson makes that much more than me! Who's he?!

Jerry: He's somebody.

George: What about me?

Jerry: You're nobody.

George: Why him? Why not me?!

Jerry: He's good. You're not.

George: I'm better than him!

Jerry: You're worse. Much, much worse.
Always one of my favorite exchanges between George and Jerry from Season 4.

George: I can't live knowing Ted Danson makes that much more than me! Who's he?!

Jerry: He's somebody.

George: What about me?

Jerry: You're nobody.

George: Why him? Why not me?!

Jerry: He's good. You're not.

George: I'm better than him!

Jerry: You're worse. Much, much worse.

Jerry's delivery in that exchange was awesome

This made me think of one my favorite Curb sub plots , Larry called Julia too late and an argument ensued and Julia shouts " Thats it , I'm calling Seinfeld " and storms out .

Like Seinfeld is some kind of authority within the group , not sure why but that still kills me .
I didn't read the thread but watch lots of obscure movies and foreign films. Here's some of my favorite lesser known movies:

The Baader-Meinhof Complex (2008): A true story about the R.A.F. in Germany. Great movie, great & crazy story. To think this actually happened within the past 50 years is crazy.


"Investigation of a Citizen Above Suspicion" (1970): Starring Gian Maria Volonte, my favorite actor. A fine Italian film about corruption, politics, and power in the late 60's and 70's. No Hollywood happy ending BS. A real movie


Max Manus (2008) Another true story about one of Norways top Nazi-Saboteurs. Great acting, great story, it really has it all.


Mesrine (2008) & Mesrine 2 (2008) True story, crazy story. Great movies.

Sacco & Vanzetti (1970) Also starring the wonderful Gian Maria Volonte. Another true story about the innocent Italian-Immigrant-Anarchists who were executed in the state of Florida in 1920, simply for being anarchists. Fantastic movie, on every level.


Father's Day (2011) not a serious movie, but a great one. Weird as fuck, hilarious, cool, highly entertaining, and super low-budget. Unlike anything you've ever seen before. (it takes a bit to get going, but if you sit through it you'll love it by the end. This movie is totally fucked btw, not for PC people, or those that are easily offended or squeamish. Has every genre in one movie. It's filled with commercials for fake movies also.


I love Astron 6, those guys are hilarious. They uploaded most of their short movies to their website now also!

I'm a huge Werner Herzong fan also, but I'll leave that for another post
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