Shara Bullet would get wrestlef*ked by any decent grappler in the UFC


Purple Belt
Jun 1, 2012
Reaction score
Decent striker, but his grappling is some of the worst I've seen from a hype train.
Well he looks like a fun fighter, dont get me wrong! Those were some fun and nasty kicks, and he has a good fighting spirit.

But given his age (29) and his lack of takedown defence, boxing defence, and relatively low fight IQ, it safe to say that he wont threaten the top 5 - regardless of its composition.
Don’t worry they will give the Alex Pereira treatment

Let him skip all the bad matchups in the division

Watch…in two fights he’ll get a top ten guy who loves to strike
I was surprised to see him concede bottom position and not even try to get up most of the fight. Respect to all the shots from the bottom but he looked like any decent grappler would sub him quick
That's the issue with these amazing kickboxers they spend a lifetime honing in on that skill that it makes them defficient in grappling. U cant just train wrestling hard for a couple years and expect to beat these lifelong wrestlers. But the results could always flip if strikers catch the grappler coming in for a shot. All depends on random chance...
bruno silva is not a can, nobody knocked out silva, not even alex pereira
bullet did fine i expected him to get chinned but he controlled the striking well
He's an offensive 9, defensive 5, and grappling 1.
Well he looks like a fun fighter, dont get me wrong! Those were some fun and nasty kicks, and he has a good fighting spirit.

But given his age (29) and his lack of takedown defence, boxing defence, and relatively low fight IQ, it safe to say that he wont threaten the top 5 - regardless of its composition.

his grappling is not sub par in itself; he just throws so many kicks from so many angles that if timed right, a takedown is more or less inevitable
Stop that, he just got thrown a proven dangerous guy like Bruno Silva in his debut. I’m pretty sure he didn’t emphasize too much wrestling in his camp.

I’m sure given the opponent he’ll adjust. Probably reinvest some of that bonus money in his wrestling camps. He got a good W over tough fight for anyone, that’s what matters imo.