Resolved Sherdog logo leads back to the forum?


Red Belt
Feb 4, 2006
Reaction score
This was an issue in the last sherdog forum update, im old enough to remember.

The big sherdog logo in the top left, when you're on the forum menu page, when you click it it leads you back to...exactly where you just were. It used to, and clearly should, take you to the page.

In addition to the link leading you back to where you just were being completely useless, I used to use that from time to time to check the main page for news articles and stuff. It's not exactly pulling teeth, but having to click the "NEWS" button on the bar just isn't the same, because that opens up another tab and brings you to the news section, rather than the main page. It's close, but not the same.

This was an issue in the last sherdog forum update, im old enough to remember.

The big sherdog logo in the top left, when you're on the forum menu page, when you click it it leads you back to...exactly where you just were. It used to, and clearly should, take you to the page.

In addition to the link leading you back to where you just were being completely useless, I used to use that from time to time to check the main page for news articles and stuff. It's not exactly pulling teeth, but having to click the "NEWS" button on the bar just isn't the same, because that opens up another tab and brings you to the news section, rather than the main page. It's close, but not the same.

With you and we're working on it! Thanks.
Please put this back to how it was. I've made approximately 5000 unintentional visits to the main site today.
The Sherdog Logo is supposed to take you to This has been corrected from what it was before. What we do need to fix is that the logo should open a new tab to take you to the front page.

If you want to go to the forum home, click on the word "Home" beneath it, or the word "Forums" on the top bar or the same bar that Home is on. There are three ways we have currently visible to bring you to the forum home screen, and a screenshot is attached:
