I appreciate the compliment. I was struggling with the hairline and shadowing for almost an hour and gave up... just used the patch tool and a feathered eraser to give it a little blending.

It's been about 15 years since I used photoshop for much. But back in my 20's I was doing sports photography for the student paper at my college and did post processing in LR. Nothing like shoops. Mostly just presets in LR for the different light conditions--it was checkerboard out there at night from the stadium lights so I had about 6 filters to cover daytime, dusk, and the light/dark spots on the field under the lights. It was a quick and dirty process to beat publishing deadlines.

I'm watching BWR's after effects videos and gonna try my hand next weekend when I get a little more time at something animated. He's literally been teaching me how to shoop the last few days.
That's so cool you're learning from him still!!!

I noticed Mike really took a shine to AE & was using it more than photoshop for the last year or more. It's a bit complicated, but once you get over the hump and get used to where your controls are n stuff, it's a pretty elegant program.
Holy crap bud this is amazing. I must have pressed the like button while I was half asleep and didn't give it the attention it deserves.

Absolutely tremendous, must have taken a while to do that eh? you do it all in Blender too?
Thank you! Yessir, all in Blender. I had the idea and wanted to see if I could make it happen. You could tell I was tired at the end, because I didn't even make the shirt/shoulders. Just a vague blue shape down there, lol.
Thank you! Yessir, all in Blender. I had the idea and wanted to see if I could make it happen. You could tell I was tired at the end, because I didn't even make the shirt/shoulders. Just a vague blue shape down there, lol.

It's top stuff bud. I need to try and do more in Blender other than the doughnut and a few other tutorials I haven't really pushed it. Making my own 3D assets is something I would really like to get into.
I need to get the last tutorial he sent me going. Life is stupid and then regrets. Miss you sir. Hope his besties here and his family are getting through this.

He was the master, I was the pupil.



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