Shoop Dat Edmond Tarverdyan

haha awesome idea

Hahaha, looks great <cheer>:D
Damn....that punch looks like it would dislocate a shoulder!
Oh man I love you guys. This is a good place to be when you have women problems. Who needs em...... fuck them. Have a good laugh here and forget their annoying fucking mind fucks.
I cant show my shoop so tell me whats living everyone can do it what they like but its shit for me coz everyone making fun of egmong but other make him the terorrist or gay or anything and im changing his face but its to bad shiiiittttttttttt
whats this world then shitt

I loved your shoop bro. You're a real gangster, the mods clearly can't andle your riddum, don't let them keep you down!
I cant show my shoop so tell me whats living everyone can do it what they like but its shit for me coz everyone making fun of egmong but other make him the terorrist or gay or anything and im changing his face but its to bad shiiiittttttttttt
whats this world then shitt

What are you saying?
I really wish I could do proper photoshopping. The most I can do is select objects using the magic wand tool and then paste them around other objects with a little rotation here and there.

You guys are masters at this stuff.
Thattaboy, I couldn't give two shits bout mine either. Especially since there's always a perfectly reasonable explanation of exactly why I needed to find "lady sucks Hendo's banana" or whatever phrase I used to find this:


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