Shoop Shoop that sleeping Shogun.

that's really a fail because McGregor didn't even get knocked out
Fuck off dickhead it's one of the most popular shoop threads/template ever, plus it's Colin. He earned his spot.
that's really a fail because McGregor didn't even get knocked out

This one didn't work at all... I should have made Shogun yellow.

Fuck off dickhead it's one of the most popular shoo nojki k klkkokp threads/template ever, plus it's CoColl ok I'll I'm ok ok. He earned his spot.
u. Ioi kk lol I'm
I by by b huh huh humSll you Ihh huh huh huh huh huh

Im sure there is a better use for this concept. It’ll come to me.
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I remember a time, where you could´t shoop legends (out of respect). But with the millennials...
"A Weekend At Bernies". I never saw it but from trying to piece it together I think some teens/young adults went to some rich guys house to stay but he was dead. And for some reason they had to make it seem like he was alive.

Bro watch the moive you wont regret it.