Opinion Should It Be Illegal to Evict People


Silver Belt
Sep 15, 2018
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Housing should be a necessity and if they can't cut the heat in winter or power in summer, than they shouldn't be allowed to throw people out on that streets. I don't have any answers on what to do, I am just thinking about all the people bout to be evicted cause the money the govt is handing out seem to be drying up. I am talking about these hotels that were allowing people to stay in and now those places are kicking folks out without any place to go.

Maybe they can let those people create towns on Public Lands or something.
Lol at “let those people create towns on Public Lands or something.” Would watch

What's the alternative?
If you can evict them what is to prevent squatters from staying in a domicile indefinitely?

I am not sure. What about some type of military style area in heavy populated area to providing temporary homes for them. So instead of evicting, they are relocating them.
Lol at “let those people create towns on Public Lands or something.” Would watch


You realize that's how people did it all throughout human history until like the last century right?
The alternative is to pop the housing bubble.

You can build a simple single family dwelling for under $20K. Relax regulations and let people do that.

Sadly, your best bet is to build UP with massive housing blocks that can hold hundreds of familes in multi-room units. Which leads to plenty of other not-great problems.
Depending on where you live renters already have ridiculous amounts of rights. I know of people who have had renters simply decide not to pay and squat illegally for months before a court ordered them out by force.
An owner should absolutely be allowed to evict tenants under certain circumstances. Owners mostly get fucked, they need to have rights to their own property.

There are lots of places where the owner has to continue to pay electricity, condo fees, etc after the deadbeat tenants stop paying rent- and the owners can't even evict them. It's bullshit.
Sadly, your best bet is to build UP with massive housing blocks that can hold hundreds of familes in multi-room units. Which leads to plenty of other not-great problems.

If it has all those unintended consequences, maybe it isn't the best bet?

Real homelessness, like people who just lost their job and need a place to stay is pretty easy to solve. Build more homes.

Using government for thst seems like a bad idea to me as they fuck most stuff up.

So just cut a lot of the red tape and let the free market sort it out: Cheap land and cheap houses.

Drug addicts and crazy people don't have a homelessness problem. They have drug and mental problems. They need that kind of help first and foremost. Institutionalize them.