"Show Me the Money" - Jon Bones Jones

lol cmon Jones i'm one of your biggest fans but if you don't take this fight you'll look like a major duck after all that heavy weight talk and vacating the title.
better look like a duck than be concussed and out of goat talks lol.
Jones gonna price himself out of this fight it looks like lmfao
And already the excuses start lol. I would be very surprised if this fight takes place. I would love to see Jan vs Jones or Jones V izzy too so either way is fine with me tbh
Gonna use money as an excuse, u just know it. He dont want that.
Looool now he's terrified to go up lmao

Knew he wasn't going to.

He will get absolutely melted by Ngannou and he knows that. He will never be able to take him down.

Jones truly is pathetic.
Major PED cheat and ducks his real weight class.

Enjoy retirement lmao
This fight is gonna be a massacre, Francis will KO him bad.
And if they don't? What's he gonna do? Go back to LHW?

If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck...
I guess the money he was already shown isn’t enough now that he knows for certain he is getting flatlined and his GOAT claim will get snatched with his soul.