"SKYNET" A.I. Drone Program May Have Killed Thousands of Innocent Pakistanis

Especially the double tap strategy. I don't see how anyone can defend that.
You're welcome. ;) Things aren't exactly hunky dory there like you seem to believe.


I'm not saying things are hunky fucking dory. What I am saying is that before we went in they controlled the entire fucking country and a good bit of Pakistan. So - yeah - there is a "high" risk in big parts of the country. But constituting a high risk is not the same as controlling and actually governing the country, running the police and prisons, making the laws, arresting anyone you want, executing anyone they want, raping all the women, controlling the big cities, setting up training camps for terrorists in the open, drafting people into your army, taking over a building and using it as a stockpile for weapons, driving around in daylight in caravans of SUVs, deciding who can come into and leave the country, printing the money, taxing everyone, etc. etc. Huge difference. Before they were what ISIS wants to be, now they are terrorist on the run. And there have been "high risk" areas in this country for hundreds of years. Fuck - there are "high risk" areas in Washington DC. It is completely different.
I'm not saying things are hunky fucking dory. What I am saying is that before we went in they controlled the entire fucking country and a good bit of Pakistan. So - yeah - there is a "high" risk in big parts of the country. But constituting a high risk is not the same as controlling and actually governing the country, running the police and prisons, making the laws, arresting anyone you want, executing anyone they want, raping all the women, controlling the big cities, setting up training camps for terrorists in the open, drafting people into your army, taking over a building and using it as a stockpile for weapons, driving around in daylight in caravans of SUVs, deciding who can come into and leave the country, printing the money, taxing everyone, etc. etc. Huge difference. Before they were what ISIS wants to be, now they are terrorist on the run. And there have been "high risk" areas in this country for hundreds of years. Fuck - there are "high risk" areas in Washington DC. It is completely different.
But what does that have to do with the Taliban being larger now than they were before like I stated?
Didn't see that mention in the article I read yesterday. They didn't kill him though, or the article would have mentioned it.

I think it is exceedingly unlikely that the US isn't also relying on human intel and other means of electronic surveillance. This program is just 1 part of the vast toolkit the government has.

I would agree with this, but to what level?

Do we ever get to review the process?

Has their been a panel created for oversight of elected officials?

I don't exactly trust our alphabet agencies, and for very good reason going back over decades of illegal behavoir.
I'm all for killing terrorist, wherever and whenever but the drone program is ridiculous.
So anyone who uses fear and violence to enact political change should die? Like the United States government and military? Or just the guys with towels on their heads?
I'm not against drone attacks.

I'm against signature strikes.
War is an ugly business. There's no question about that.
Second, I'm too goddamned depressed right now to say much more in this OP. My country continues to fail me again, and again, and again, and again. I'm still seething from the UN hospital. Still bring that at up at dinner tables. This is not what we are supposed to be, what I want us to be. We are supposed to be a beacon of freedom in the dark; the angels of liberty who would pursue the men who defile this world and oppress the weak, so that all the world would know, that no matter how small you are, or how weak, or scared; shivering, cold, and alone...that the Americans will come for you. That there is someone out there who will not abandon you. That you are a human being and you deserve more than these endlessly repeated failures of our species.

I just have to take a moment after reading this to say: get a life man.
What a fucked up situation we have in the middle east. They are literally living in a bygone era over there, hundreds of years behind civilized nations. What is the solution? Mass killings just create more extremists, and justifiably so. If they didn't have resources we want we would just let them kill each other and sort it out themselves.
If tney were Muslim then they weren't innocent.

Am I Doing this right?
This is an entertainment website, but I tend not to have that 3-letter adjective on my mind when I'm reading about innocent Pakistanis getting blown up because a highly complex equation encountered unexpected randomness in trying to resolve its algorithm.

Yes, you should leave this thread.
Lol. Do you read your own articles. There is zero evidence that the algorithm resulted in one innocent person being killed. Has the US killed innocent people in Pakistan? Undoubtedly yes. But there's no evidence that the algorithm has even been used yet beyond testing, let alone that its been used to create a final kill list that has condemned anyone to death without additional investigation. If you have something to that effect, by all means share it.

If we are going to kill people in Pakistan, what is wrong with using math to help determine which ones are the right ones?
Lol. Do you read your own articles. There is zero evidence that the algorithm resulted in one innocent person being killed. Has the US killed innocent people in Pakistan? Undoubtedly yes. But there's no evidence that the algorithm has even been used yet beyond testing, let alone that its been used to create a final kill list that has condemned anyone to death without additional investigation. If you have something to that effect, by all means share it.

If we are going to kill people in Pakistan, what is wrong with using math to help determine which ones are the right ones?

I think that was the point (it was a "trap" for the "comment-without-reading" crowd).
@sadclown will love this thread.

people don't know this, but in the old Aramaic version of the bible, when the children of Israel stood before the mighty walls of Jericho.... it wasn't god who brought down those walls and led to the slaughtering of every man, woman, child and donkey, safe for one harlot (cos you got to always spare at least one harlot in any genocide).

no, it wasn't god. it was skynet's motherfucking drone strike.

America, fuck yeah!
Dead serious. Why would we not use an algorithm as an aid to finding terrorists? Do they somehow increase they rate of false positives as opposed to not using them?

Sorry, I misread your post.
First, yes, they actually named a military program with killer flying robots "SKYNET". They actually fucking did that.

Second, I'm too goddamned depressed right now to say much more in this OP. My country continues to fail me again, and again, and again, and again. I'm still seething from the UN hospital. Still bring that at up at dinner tables. This is not what we are supposed to be, what I want us to be. We are supposed to be a beacon of freedom in the dark; the angels of liberty who would pursue the men who defile this world and oppress the weak, so that all the world would know, that no matter how small you are, or how weak, or scared; shivering, cold, and alone...that the Americans will come for you. That there is someone out there who will not abandon you. That you are a human being and you deserve more than these endlessly repeated failures of our species.

In the words of Howard Stern "a kill is a kill is a kill"
in the words of animal mother "killing women and children is not hard, you just have to lead them less"

If you care about this topic, I highly suggest a Showtime documentary called "Spymasters: The CIA in the Crosshairs."
That article was pretty biased I must say in its attempts to act like mass random killing of people is the objective. Incorrect internal problems need to be addressed and will be. It is also important to note that the Pakistani government allows the US and allies to operate. So this isn't some imperial campaign like some will try and spin it. AI drones also just sound like a bad idea.
The Guardian article did not in any way shape or form imply intent.
You also don't know enough to judge if those people were indeed "innocent" or even killed by a drone in the fist place. You're literally getting worked up over propaganda that may or may not be true.
Crowd-sourced reporting (not to mention humanitarian expositions) often point to higher incidences of civilian casualties than those we already admit happen. This would corroborate why so much of this is happening. It's like our government has implemented an insurance company's equation for determing what an acceptable level of collateral is. The difference here is that it isn't lost revenue. The collateral is civilian carnage.

Something tells me that, if indeed as many as 15,000+ people were errantly targeted, then probably a healthy chunk of them weren't terrorists.
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