SNL mocks Navy Seal hero who lost eye, new low.


Green Belt
Jul 8, 2017
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"This guy is kinda cool, Dan Crenshaw," Davidson said on this weekend's show, next to a photo of Crenshaw, a Republican. "You may be surprised to hear he's a congressional candidate from Texas, and not a hit man in a porno movie.
"I'm sorry, I know he lost his eye in war, or whatever," he added. "Whatever."

So after the almost universal lambasting of General Kelly(who is in the service and a gold star father) among other service members, is the left finally deciding it’s ok to disrespect veterans?

Pete Davidson is not funny but I expect someone to come in here and defend this trash.
Saturday Night Live does not speak for the left
Relax, it's not like he made fun of OJ Simpson getting away with cutting his ex wife's head off. Now THAT is grounds for firing.
The joke was good but adding in the “ lost in the war or whatever” was a douche move.
Meh, it's a joke. It wouldn't be so bad if SNL was't so damn partisan, or actually funny/entertaining.

It had its moments at one point
I just hope this guy gets fired. It would be one thing if he did not know why Crenshaw got injured but the comedian directly brought up Crenshaw's service.
The Sean Spicer piece was fucking hilarious.
Eh I didn't think it was that bad. It's not like anyone watches SNL anymore anyways
I thought the left were the snowflakes. It is really getting hard to tell which side is the Snowflakes the more time I spend in the War Room on this karate forum.
Joke was not that funny and would have been better without the whatever at the end but it seems to me everybody on the left and right look for a reason to be pissed. Everyone spends all their time waiting to point a finger at the other side as if it somehow makes their shitty team hold some moral high ground.

Bad joke move on.
I guess it’s only funny when Trump makes fun of veterans.
I'm very confused on who, or what makes one a 'snowflake' to you guys.
I'm very confused on who, or what makes one a 'snowflake' to you guys.
Anyone pissed off at words on the left = Snowflake.
Anyone pissed off at words on the right = Nationalist and a damn American Hero.
I suppose you could file this under tasteless, but I don't think it's that bad. It's kind of what SNL does. As a veteran myself this doesn't offend me at all.
Saturday Night Live does not speak for the left

Ask any democrat if they think that Alec Baldwin would be a better president than Trump and then come make that statement.
Anyone pissed off at words on the left = Snowflake.
Anyone pissed off at words on the right = Nationalist and a damn American Hero.
Sounds about right.

I find this whole new thing of trying to paint liberals as being 'snowflakes' hilarious. Both sides do this shit.
There are plenty of examples of the right crying over stupid shit.
"The War on Christmas". Bitching about people saying "happy holidays" instead of 'Merry Christmas"???
BURNING your Nikes over a protest of the flag? Weed, rap lyrics, the sexual orientation and choices of people that have nothing to do with you---there are a shit ton of snowflake shit with the right.

But people "bitching" about discrimination and racism are the snowflakes'? WHAT ABOUT CHRISTMAS!!?!?!?? There is the real problem in America
Remember all those jokes they made about Warren's absurd 1/1024 Indian claim?

.. Yeah, neither do I.
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