Sparring fresh or fatigued?

I never thought it made any sense to spar late in the session, but that's what often happens.
like a lot of people already stated. sparring after training is far better for building mental fortitude and overall toughness.
Coaches like tired fighters because they won't beat the fuck out each other, and because you rely more on technique than force and athleticism. But if everyone is an adult about the situation, fresh is way better.

Also stop catching kicks because the other guy pulls them.
i see your a traditional style guy, have you ever tried turning a caught round kick into a side kick? it's one of the only times i throw the side kick. it works brilliantly if you time it right. as soon as they grab your leg draw it back by turning your lead shoulder away, and fire back with the side kick. you don't even have to free your leg, the quick change of momentum makes the kick very effective.
Yeah, there always that guy who comes late, to avoid the running, or the pushups or whatever we do for warm up. Then like you say, he is lazy during work out, waiting for the sparring. And usually he doesn't understand the world light.
But i think it's also a good training. If you are able to hold your own against a fresher guy, you're in a good path. But it can be very frustrating if the difference in fatigue is huge. If that's the case, and I don't like the person, i can be mean and use techniques i won't usually use... Teeps to the face, heavy drops etc...
had someone do that in boxing a while ago. it was good fun. the thing is i have done so much sparring i can fight lazy and recover while still holding my own. i actually find sparring far easier than any of the fitness stuff like running or sit ups. unless your are sparring someone that is good and forcing you to move with them a lot, that always wears you out if your not fit.
like a lot of people already stated. sparring after training is far better for building mental fortitude and overall toughness.

I think you win the award for hyperbole of the day. It does nothing for mental fortitude and toughness if I spar fatigued or not.
I think you win the award for hyperbole of the day. It does nothing for mental fortitude and toughness if I spar fatigued or not.
congratulations. what style are you sparing in, and how good are your opponents. i can guarantee it builds fortitude if you have to keep fighting when your worn out and someone is giving you a hiding. i can assure you that toughness can be trained. go for a run. is it harder to keep running at the end or at the start? hold a lighter to your finger tip, is it harder to hold it there longer? fucking stupid response. fighting is pain tolerance. you would know that if you didn't do ballet.

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