Splish Splash - back in the water


Blue Belt
Jan 1, 2010
Reaction score
First offseason since hanging up my goggles in college (1990)

Did masters swimming spring 2016 and competed in the US transplant games this past June
  • Not doing outdoor LC season, instead preparing for indoor SCY season
  • Events: 50, 100 fly; 100, 200 IM; 50, 100 breast
47 y/o; 75in; ca 200 lbs (low - mid 190s is goal weight for season)

Liver transplant (autoimmine hepatitis) Feb 2011, post transplant lymphoma, antiphospholipid antibody syndrome
Pred, tacro, everolimus, warfarin, amlodipine, olmesartan -- what a backfield!

Labs vary Q2wk, Q4wk, depending; INR test Q2w (fortunately home test)

Two short blocks of training before season starts, early October
  1. General dryland + longer conditioning
    • conditioning is a mix of higher intensity steady state (2-3 days) and LISS (2-3 days)
    • General dryland is BW and prehab focused
  2. Strength: starting in a few weeks
    • Day 1: squat, SOHP, Hang clean
    • Day 2: dead, bench, BOR
Butterfly state meet.JPG
(photo credit: Suzanne Tennant; http://www.suzannetennant.com)
pushups and pullups felt great
Dips were okay
Band work was really good today - focused on the intial grab
Rotator cuff work was also good. blue band

Dryland routine
Higher intensity SS 36 min (walk, jog, run on inclined treadmill. Keep HR >140)
Sunday: fun circuit courtesy of one of the "younglings" on the team
The Thirty - 30 reps, 30 lbs
  • medicine ball plyo pushups
  • medicine ball situps (30 lb ball)
  • MB wall shots (10 foot target)
  • Hurdle jump overs (30 lateral inches; 14 inches high)
  • MB overhead walking lunges
  • dumbell snatches (15 / side)
  • :30 seconds catch-and-pull (paddles)
  • :30 second catch-and-pull (rope)
  • Burpees
Fun little circuit
GPP + dryland work
30 min treadmill hills
Hey, welcome back!

How is your health?
cheers, mate! greetings!
Health has been manageable - bumps in a road, of course. But I now expect about one hospitalization per year. But this didn't stop some pretty good swims at the Transplant Games! :)

Hope you're safe / keeping your head down (IIRC you're in Ankara, or?)!
72 min LISS - very pleased with consistency of HR. Kept it 128 +/- 5; slowed 18 bpm during first minute of warm down
Grease the groove dips and neutral grip pullups
Usual prehab band work
Morning: BW work, GPP, shoulder prehab -- like the neutral grip pullups right now. and the MB work for "butterfly core" (e.g, "Butterfly is not a crime" site) is kinda fun, too. Definitely different from the dryland we did 100 years ago :)

Evening: 60 min LISS and then dog beach. fun times.
cheers, mate! greetings!
Health has been manageable - bumps in a road, of course. But I now expect about one hospitalization per year. But this didn't stop some pretty good swims at the Transplant Games! :)

Hope you're safe / keeping your head down (IIRC you're in Ankara, or?)!

Great to hear.

Actually I am in Gaziantep right now- city in the South-East close to the Syrian border. It's fairly quiet because it's not a big or particularly high profile place. It's also solidly pro-Government. Still being careful of course.
Great to hear.

Actually I am in Gaziantep right now- city in the South-East close to the Syrian border. It's fairly quiet because it's not a big or particularly high profile place. It's also solidly pro-Government. Still being careful of course.
stay safe and be groovy!
Thu, Fri: slowed the pace a bit - a surprise job came through, hooray, but took a few hours away

Band work, push up variations, band work and time at the DOG BEACH!

Today: light CV work; BW work (pullups, pushups, dips, air squats, lunges); kicking drills in the water
the swimming was short - about 1000 yds. but very happy with the power. ca 11.75 strokes / length. Some good 25s to end things up. Nothing all out, just focused on power and length of stroke. Kept it RPE 7'ish. Averaged high 13s for free; mid 14s for fly; 17 for breast. Fun cuz fly typically is faster for me over the first 15-20 yards / meters.
pushup, pullup, dip progression moving along nicely
shoulder prehab/rehab also better; mobility nice too
1200 yds
  • 500 pull (long stroke; 11 strokes / 25 yds); 6:30 (faster than expected); very relaxed and concentrated on modern catch and pull arm position
  • 4x50 (10 sec rest): long stroke, breathe every 5th; 3 dolphin kicks off of every turn
  • 4x50 dolphin kick (20 sec rest); one breath per 25
  • 8x25 free accelators - work the acceleration off of the walls
  • 100 easy warm down
short, very easy swim (kept it to just about 30 min). still working on learning the new catch / changing my 1980s S stroke; workinig on dolphin kick off the walls (also new since I last swam)
kept the strokes / 25 yds around 11-12. fewest was 8, most was 13

dryland - TRX type of pulling to emphasize the new catch and new S pull + rotator cuff and other fun shoulder stuff with the band

Later in the day:
60 min steady state
Morning GPP and dryland
MB plyo pushups now at {14,12,10,...,4,2}
regular pushups now at {12,11,10,...,3,2,1}
50 MB situps
pullups now {8,7,...,2,1} (neutral grip and shoulder width grip)
dips now {9,8,7,...,2,1}
Back extensions are {10,9,8,...,3,2,1}
eschewed 50 mb squats and lunges, calf raises due to calf DOMS from the other day, oops.
Dryland: 8 sets bilateral pulls; 2 sets unilateral pulls; 1 set face pulls; 1 set rope rows

60 min steady state; elliptical today.

"leveled up" today to the next higher number in the sequences
shoulder mobility is good
pushups: {15,14,13,...,3,2,1}
situps {15 --> 1}
neutral grip pullups: 5x(1,2,3)
back extensions{10 --> 1}

bands 3 levels face, waist, low pull (3x12)
bands 3x12, down; 3x12 lateral
60 min LISS

Grease the Groove
MB pushups 12, 10, ..., 4, 2
pushups 10,9,8,...,3,2,1
neutral grip pullups 5,4,...,2,1
dips 5,4,...,2,1
Swim / 1800 yds
400 pull
2x200 (one pull, one swim) 3:15
4x100 {2x100 kick 2:30, IM; 2x100 IM 1:45}
8x50 IM order down, free back 1:00
200 warm down

Off the walls improving, still not habitual: dolphin kicks???? my brain still says, "really?"
New S stroke is habitual. No shoulder discomfort. double yay.
Backstroke was a huge surprise. much faster than expected - wasn't the weak link on the 100 IMs (or as weak)
Extension and catch in breast is not kind to my right shoulder. all other strokes fine. still good glide and acceleration from the kick
11-13 strokes / 25 until warm down, where it hit a robust 15 (free)
Fly 15-16 sec for the 100 IM and the 50s - felt nice and long; exactly how it should for this point in the offseason
Only felt a few moments when out of breath where there were some breakdowns

Was listening to the album "Valley of the Dolls" and had this song in my head
Sun 60 min treadmill
first 20 min: 5.0 incline; 5.2 mph. felt really good
walk-jog-run-sprints for final 40 min at incline 15
Felt like crap - I call em "side effect days"
Today was brought to you by everolimus
2.5 miles mod pace with puppy

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