Star Wars 2026. Brace your self.

I mean Star Wars expectations normally was to be the #1 movie at the box office for the year and to break records.

Do I think they can make money still? Depends on the movie. I just don't see them breaking a billion anymore with who's running the company and the rumored direction they're going. I'm not even sure they turn a profit depending the subject matter and the writers/director. 2 out of the last 3 Lucasfilm movies bombed (Solo and Indy 5) and ROS massively underperformed (made about half of Force Awakens).
I doubt it will have much hype behind it, the sequels got some short term hype as a liberal media talking point but honestly the main people who still seem to focus on them much these days are those who hate them ala the prequels.

This feels a bit like if Lucas had made another prequel in the late 00's and I suspect unless its very good it will not do at all well at the box office although honestly I have my doubts it will get made at all, how many other films have been anounced and then cancilled? must be close to a dozen now. Isnt there some talk of this being politics at Lucasfilm? Kennedy needs a film in pre production to forfill her contract?

Honestly though whilst all the cultural war types will rage at this really the problem with the sequels was much more fundamental, Abrams and Johnson were willing to try and sell their films a bit on "strong woman" and "girlboss" plots but the main issue is they were just crap all around. Abrams espeically is just a maker of generic bits of nostalgia entertainment were he throws a load of random shit at you for 2 hours, his films do not hold up to repeat viewings at all IMHO.

The reverse is true as well though, if they think a mass audience is interested in this because of some badly done tokenism there in for a rude awakening, the sequels got by almost entirely on nostalgia from the original trilogy the same way Captain Marvel got by on the hype of the MCU as a whole in that era and thats both greatly reduced now plus they do not have the ability to tie in nearly as many characters/situations anymore, at most you could have force ghost Luke and Yoda.

Basically if its good it could do well, if its bad it will almost certainly do badly and could be the end of Kennedy I suspect but most likely it doesnt happen at all.
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I thought Disney was trying not to flush billions down the toilet anymore
Didn’t the CEO or something just say “we made a mistake focusing on messaging (aka virtue signaling) and now we will focus on telling the best stories (aka not shoehorning diversity and poorly written content).”

IMO Star Wars always did well with diversity and well written characters. It’s when they started actually shoehorning token characters that just felt forced where it got meh.

Some shit works great and other things (Ewoks, Jar Jar, Rose and Reva). I took some issue with Gina and Boba’s sidekick Fennec punching and using martial arts through helmets and armour (even Beskar).
The last ep of Star Wars movie made $1 billion worldwide and shows like The Mandalorian and Ahsoka
were a huge success.
Facts don't care about your feelings.

Why do you have double yellows again?
Didn’t the CEO or something just say “we made a mistake focusing on messaging (aka virtue signaling) and now we will focus on telling the best stories (aka not shoehorning diversity and poorly written content).”

IMO Star Wars always did well with diversity and well written characters. It’s when they started actually shoehorning token characters that just felt forced where it got meh.

Some shit works great and other things (Ewoks, Jar Jar, Rose and Reva). I took some issue with Gina and Boba’s sidekick Fennec punching and using martial arts through helmets and armour (even Beskar).
I think the real mistake they made was hiring Abrams, that was I think just short term thinking getting in someone who could deliver some formulaic nostalgia fast and earn some quick cash but as with Trek it just wasnt sustainable, the man couldn't make films of any substance which would keep audiences interested.

Could also be they gave Kennedy too much creative control after having previously been purely involved with the financial/organisational side although I suspect a decision like hiring Abrams probably came from higher up in Disney than her.

I do tend to think the issue a lot of Hollywood has in recent years tends to be down to exec politics, you have execs who lack any real artistic talent who are taking ever more control and wanting to defend their position. To such people a genuinely creative director/writer/producer is a threat, hacks or small name arthouse directors will generally do what they are paid to do and not threaten the exec but a bigger name? look at what happened to Ike Pearlmutter at Marvel with Kevin Feige forcing him out, thats what most execs fear IMHO. When you have someone with no talent making creative decisions there going to resort to cheap tactics, loads of nostalgia for existing franchises is an obvious one but also I think some cheap tokenism is going to be another.

Thats why you often have to wait for a franchise to fail before you get good content, the the DCUE had to fail before we got Joker and the Batman, Starwars had to fail before you got Mando/Andor because in both cases the failiure weakened the control of no talent execs and allowed more talented people to get involved and have more of a say.
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Star Wars is shit now anyways.
Movie starts off with a 15 minute monologue about planetary equity by a black transgender anxiety-blob on the sands of Tatooine, after which 20 WHITE MEN commit suicide in order to expand diversity. Then, there's a Jedi council where it's decided lightsabers are phallic in representation, and that furthers the patriarchy, therefore are forbidden. Every Jedi that still decides to use one is instantly called racist and kicked out of the order. The female heroine's main mission is to organize a campaign to change the name of the galactic empire center planet from CorusCANT to CorusCAN, to spread a positive message, and also to move away from male-dominated naming of everything.
Darth Vader is erased from history and becomes Darth GAYder, to allow LGBT galactic ommunities to feel seen.
Just come up with an original idea, write a good script, hire a good director and good actors.

I don't trust Disney right now. Too many misses.
I've said it before, but there's no way this isn't by design. Disney knows this is going to tank, and yet, they still proceed. Why?

I refuse to believe they are THAT stupid. There's something we're missing or at least something I'm missing.
I refuse to believe they are THAT stupid. There's something we're missing or at least something I'm missing.
They're not. But this isn't about making a profit from a good movie. It's about using the resources of a large company by a group of activists that don't give a shit about the company, but they care about funding their ideology. it's predatory and parasitic.
Who cares about another meaningless shit production?! Doesn’t matter who will direct that turd. I wouldn’t be outrageous if it would be directed by a horse tbh.

The last movies problem wasn’t „too many females/ woke/ etc.“ the writing was complete shit.
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Too many misses.
Wait, they are planning a sequel trilogy around the Rey character?

The last ep of Star Wars movie made $1 billion worldwide and shows like The Mandalorian and Ahsoka
were a huge success.
Facts don't care about your feelings.

Episode 9 was a massive financial blow to the company.

Yeah it might not have technically been a bomb, but when you pay $4billion just for the rights, making a (relatively) small profit on a SW film is a disaster. They were wanting $1 billion profit not the $300m they got. Not to mention the film being panned by everyone.

If you don't think SW has been a major financial disappointment for Disney, you are just wrong.
Lol wasnt the last trilogy about crapping on the old guard and creating uber mary sue Rey. And they still go with its 2024 and starwars should be about women. Up to this day i cant even bring myself to finish the last movie of that terrible trilogy.