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I'm sure it's a mistake on the part of who ever wrote that article.

Disney / Lucas Film only said official things like "the Skywalker saga" but never ever anything about ending, it will be a spoiler they aren't dumb it's just a mistake from the article.


They can't just say sh*t like that as if it's true & expect us to just grace over it like they didn't just talk out their ass. Our references can't just say sh*t like that without being lynched. If you defend that writter, i'm reporting you to Sherdog authorities immediately. :cool:

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I do understand this point of view. However, they didn't copy it exactly. This thread has blown up the fact that Kylo is a wuss compared to G-pa. So that's very much different. You still have the behind the scenes ruler (Sideous / Snoke) in both but the face of the BIG BAD... (Vader / Kylo) is a very much different story.

Just wanted to point that out... & I think they will expand the story in a much different direction moving forward... but the first movie had to play it a bit safe I think. Moving forward we will see... but I hold faith that they will answer the plot gaps opened up in the first as well as expand the story in a completely different direction.

It's all ready been hinted at in the teaser with the Whills supposedly being shown & Luke saying the Jedi must end. They're going to create a new mythology of the middle way & I expect them to show some real BIG BAD power like we've never seen before in the coming movies. I want to see Luke with some BIG BAD power as well... but he will be slightly balanced to decency instead of homicide of innocents. Still killing... but that slight edge in motivation is a big deal.

I think a big turn off for Ep 7 for a lot of people is just that BIG BAD wasn't omious & BIG BAD enough. I expect that to get remedied... & then we'll all have more satisfaction with the new movies.

Yes I understand the way the movie was different just IMO to much the same. Like you said though from her on out they could expand in a different direction and really go down their own path. I hope they do that I would love that. I still have faith in the movies and really that was my main complaint I don't have any other real complaints with the movie I enjoyed it.
I would actually agree Kylo was the best story in TFA as Rey and Finn were pretty much just audience avatars on a Star Wars theme park ride but he could have been a lot better with some real motivation.

I think Fellowship is an excellent comparison, that film might not have had the history of SW but it establishes the pull of the ring just as we already knew of the pull of the darkside yet it doesn't just depend on this for Boromirs fall at the climax, he's given a strong motivation besides purely wanting power.
I can meet you halfway and say there were definitely some lazy aspects to the story. I mean, a really, really big Death Star? That's what you're going with? JJ played it safe and cut some corners for sure. I don't feel that way about Ren, but it's all subjective. I'm happy enough with where the story is starting for episode VIII, and I look forward to watching it unfold.

As far as FOTR is concerned, Boromir's turning was set up early in the movie because it had to be. Gandalf explained it clearly to Frodo before they left the Shire. The ring would turn even a powerful wizard with the desire to do good into an evil servant of its master. Boromir's desire to protect his people was a perfect opening for the ring to sink its hooks and go for the choke. However, if we had a movie or two beforehand to set the stage, that dialogue would have been unnecessary.
He told them directors of Empire and ROTJ what they could and could not do.
Which changes nothing I said.

Saying Lucas is the sole mind behind Star Wars is withholding the credit earned by people like Ralph Mcquarrie, Kasdan, etc. It's also pretty well known that the actors went off script pretty often in ANH because the dialogue was terrible.

Don't misunderstand me, without Lucas there'd be no Star Wars, period. And he was instrumental in it being the iconic saga that it was. But he was not the sole contributor to it being what it was. This is not something that was born completely out of Lucas' input.

And you completely ignored my point about him changing the ending because of toy sales.
Here's a picture of Gary Kurtz, mother of STAR WARS, showing George how it should be done.


Likely, this is also a picture of George Lucas, father of STAR WARS, ignoring Gary.





They can't just say sh*t like that as if it's true & expect us to just grace over it like they didn't just talk out their ass. Our references can't just say sh*t like that without being lynched. If you defend that writter, i'm reporting you to Sherdog authorities immediately. :cool:


I'm not defending him, I'm just saying it's a blatant mistake by him/her.

They should really do a few reads of their articles before posting them, maybe even send them to a colleague to read them first and pick up on any things the initial writer missed before clicking to post it.
Really? you're calling me out for being confused when you say you are talking about Disney putting out a movie every year... but yet you did not even mention that in the post I responded to.

You claimed to be talking about something you didn't mention. Your own argument is the confusion... not my comprehension ability. Are we trying to get silly with this convo or are we actually trying to discuss things?
I'm not defending him, I'm just saying it's a blatant mistake by him/her.

They should really do a few reads of their articles before posting them, maybe even send them to a colleague to read them first and pick up on any things the initial writer missed before clicking to post it.
Yeah, no doubt. Making a statement that says this trilogy is to be the end of the Skywalkers is a major foobar. They need to hire you & me to proof read I think :D
Yeah, no doubt. Making a statement that says this trilogy is to be the end of the Skywalkers is a major foobar. They need to hire you & me to proof read I think :D

Yea but they need to mention you if it's canon or legends from the start. :p

How strange would it be if he got it right by mistake.

Leia RIP
Han dead
Kylo and Luke one me thinks will get it by the end.. and it's Kylo. I feel because of the events that happen they will want to let someone alive and go off into the sunset at the and. Hard to think they will just have everyone dead from the original movies.

Then we have Rey she could be a Skywalker.. then we have this crazy theory floating around now:

Rey is Luke's sister.. Padme had triplets and she came last and was hidden from both Obi and Yoda from birth because the dark force was clouding everything (maybe even killed Padme) and this certain someone took Rey and froze her as a "backup" once Vader and Luke's stories played out then Rey was unfrozen and was destined to take over.

Yea I know freaky. xD

PS: Finn Lando for the win.
Abrams' greatest story strength is his greatest failing. He sets up powerful mysteries that are neutered by thin and superficial discoveries. So while you're in the movie it feels really exciting but the further you step away from it the harder it is to remember what you liked, only that you liked it (if you did).

Abrams' folly is why it would be a mistake if BLADE RUNNER 2049 answers the question of whether Deckard is or is not a replicant. For one thing, such discovery would make BLADE RUNNER almost obsolete, and for another it's always the mystery, not the answer, that endures.

The question, Neo. It's the question.
Rey is Luke's sister.. Padme had triplets and she came last and was hidden from both Obi and Yoda from birth because the dark force was clouding everything (maybe even killed Padme) and this certain someone took Rey and froze her as a "backup" once Vader and Luke's stories played out then Rey was unfrozen and was destined to take over.

Yea I know freaky. xD
haha! That's a new one on me. If we're getting that crazy... lets just bring in darth Jar Jar as the mastermind behind everything.

Interestingly though... if their was a 3rd... perhaps they just layed low & Rey is their daughter. Meh... I dunno... I'm not feeling that one.
I can meet you halfway and say there were definitely some lazy aspects to the story. I mean, a really, really big Death Star? That's what you're going with? JJ played it safe and cut some corners for sure. I don't feel that way about Ren, but it's all subjective. I'm happy enough with where the story is starting for episode VIII, and I look forward to watching it unfold.

As far as FOTR is concerned, Boromir's turning was set up early in the movie because it had to be. Gandalf explained it clearly to Frodo before they left the Shire. The ring would turn even a powerful wizard with the desire to do good into an evil servant of its master. Boromir's desire to protect his people was a perfect opening for the ring to sink its hooks and go for the choke. However, if we had a movie or two beforehand to set the stage, that dialogue would have been unnecessary.

Its not the lack of explanation of the pull of the darkside though that I think is the issue, its more that theres a lack of explanation for Kylo's specific reason to turn to the darkside and his killing his father.

Its not helped either I would say by the film again being rather at cross purposes with him. Early on he's very much cast in the Vader ANH role being the demonic antagonist before suddenly shifting to a conflicted and more limited character. Its why Rey defeating him seems so out of place, if he'd been more limited right from the start it wouldn't have been as much.
Its not the lack of explanation of the pull of the darkside though that I think is the issue, its more that theres a lack of explanation for Kylo's specific reason to turn to the darkside and his killing his father.

Its not helped either I would say by the film again being rather at cross purposes with him. Early on he's very much cast in the Vader ANH role being the demonic antagonist before suddenly shifting to a conflicted and more limited character. Its why Rey defeating him seems so out of place, if he'd been more limited right from the start it wouldn't have been as much.
On that point I agree. The impact of that opening scene made it seem like he was going to be somewhere around Vader's level from the start, and that turned out not to be the case. Great scene, though.
Which changes nothing I said.

Saying Lucas is the sole mind behind Star Wars is withholding the credit earned by people like Ralph Mcquarrie, Kasdan, etc. It's also pretty well known that the actors went off script pretty often in ANH because the dialogue was terrible.

Don't misunderstand me, without Lucas there'd be no Star Wars, period. And he was instrumental in it being the iconic saga that it was. But he was not the sole contributor to it being what it was. This is not something that was born completely out of Lucas' input.

And you completely ignored my point about him changing the ending because of toy sales.

They say victory is shared and defeat is lonely

Perhaps it shouldn't be.

Maybe we need to hold some of the people around Lucas a little more accountable for the unbridled dogshit that was the prequel trilogy
On that point I agree. The impact of that opening scene made it seem like he was going to be somewhere around Vader's level from the start, and that turned out not to be the case. Great scene, though.

That scene and Rey's intro with the ruin of the star destroyer are the best in the film IMHO.

What does make Abrams frustrating for me is I think you can see hints he could be a lot better than he actually is were he willing to take a few more risks.
That scene and Rey's intro with the ruin of the star destroyer are the best in the film IMHO.

What does make Abrams frustrating for me is I think you can see hints he could be a lot better than he actually is were he willing to take a few more risks.
He's adept at setting up characters like that. He sets the tone of the movie and really pulls you into the story. Star Trek 2009, Into Darkness, Armageddon, fucking great impact scenes in the early going for all of those. He's not the greatest finisher, which is why I liked him for TFA to set up a trilogy (and I still like that movie), but not so much for episode IX.
The 70s gave us Cpt. Quint, Travis Bickle, Michael and Vito Corleone, Sal Tessio, Hyman Roth, Sonny Wortzik... It was a decade of complex villains, antagonists and antiheroes.

Those are just the exceptions

Nice try buddy

Shout out to Quint tho. Probably the greatest performance on camera
He's adept at setting up characters like that. He sets the tone of the movie and really pulls you into the story. Star Trek 2009, Into Darkness, Armageddon, fucking great impact scenes in the early going for all of those. He's not the greatest finisher, which is why I liked him for TFA to set up a trilogy (and I still like that movie), but not so much for episode IX.

In TFA especially you have some reasonably effective setup for Rey and Finn very early in the film but then this ends up being dumped much too quickly, he becomes cheap comic relief and she becomes a blander version of Luke with no real motivation beyond the threat of Kylo.
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