Locked STAR WARS: THE LAST JEDI v.3 (Dragonlord's Initial Review)

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@shadow_priest_x scale of Enjoyability"

1 - "I didnt get the hubub"
5 - "possibly 1 of the most underrated movies I've ever seen"
7 - "Best popcorn flick of dare I say the last 5 months"
9 - "Kingsman Golden Circle is pretty good actually!"
10 - "I've seen it three times in the past 3 hours!"


Just what are you trying to say here?
This. I read the title and the score. They were heart-breaking enough:(

Me too.. he gutted me but my boys will lift me up I'm sure 3-4 hours and I get some news.

Then again Dragon ain't such a big Star Wars guy all in all considered so maybe it is different for non hardcore fans I don't know.

TFA deserved a 6.5. Rogue One a 7.5.

Depends if you asked me right after I would have been on board but the more time it passes and the more times I see it I kinda like TFA more, It gets me more forgiving on the originality and soft reboot stuff because they made a damn good movie for the most part.

Rogue One has some issues with the weaker characters but really goes in the war department the last act is that good plus it has this gritty feel to it the tone and look of dirty I don't know how to describe it better but it felt like it could have been made in the days of the first one we saw back in '77. Now if they developed those characters a tad better and made the first half tighter and really pull on the feels at the end if we cared for the characters more it could have been something truly special.

Can't wait to see this new one this Sunday and see what is the big divide among fans some really liking it and some really disliking it and a lot of "just sit on it a tad and give it a second viewing".
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Best one since Empire, or worst one since Menace.

God I need to see this to decide for myself.
I declare a general Fatwa on the one called Dragon Lord. May his head be stricken from his body. Burn his house to the ground and imprison his wife and children. This infidel must be punished for his blasphemy.
Some guys just don’t like certain movies. My recollection was that Roger Ebert disliked each and every Star Trek movie.
Man, bummed to hear that shit.

I thought TFA was just meh. The plot points being so similar to Ep IV was a huge turnoff, but I liked Poe, and Finn, and the visuals were stunning.

Was hoping that a Rian Johnson take on the franchise was gonna take it somewhere we haven't really seen Star Wars go before. Seems like it's just more of the same. Will still watch.
Sitting in the theater now, 10mins out...

Still processing,

General Leia as she exhibits strong leadership, warmth, humor and a really cool and very memorable character moment

Goodness please, @Dragonlordxxxxx , I hope you're not talking about the scene I think you're talking about, because


I'll post more tomorrow, but I will say TLJ has by far the best cinematography of any SW film.

My bullet point review:

- The Leia space-force resurrection was the dumbest scene in the franchise. I was content with her dying right then, since that's what we all expected, but the filmmakers decided to try and get some extra emotional capital out of the demise of the actress. Smh. Also, she served no purpose and didn't move the story forward in any way after that.

- I liked most of the humor in TLJ, although I feel like one or two scenes should have been kept more serious, like the Yoda scene.

- Speaking of Yoda, I LOVED that they brought back the puppet.

- Very, very disappointed in the lack of any backstory or explanation of Snoke. He is clearly one of, if not the most, powerful force users ever - so who the hell is he?

- Lots and lots of cool nods to the other films (Luke saying "laser sword," like young Anakin in TPM; the overhead shot of Ren leading the Stormtroopers into the rebel hideout / overhead shot of Darth Vader marching the troopers into the Jedi Temple in RotS; much of Snoke's dialogue being reminiscent of the Emperor's lines)

- What was the big, shocking reveal? That Rey's parents were trailer trash? Whoopdy-doo.

- Luke's force projection was very well done, but I think most of us would have preferred to see an actual showdown.

- The Maz scene was out of place, and where was the explanation of how she got Luke's lightsaber that she promised us in TFA?

I might add more later...
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Depends if you asked me right after I would have been on board but the more time it passes and the more times I see it I kinda like TFA more, It gets me more forgiving on the originality and soft reboot stuff because they made a damn good movie for the most part.

Rogue One has some issues with the weaker characters but really goes in the war department the last act is that good plus it has this gritty feel to it the tone and look of dirty I don't know how to describe it better but it feel like it could be made in the days of the first one we saw if they developed those characters a tad better and made the first half tighter and really pull on the feels at the end if we cared for the characters more it could have been something truly special.

Can't wait to see this new one this Sunday and see what is the big divide among fans some really liking it and some really disliking it and a lot of "just sit on it a tad and give it a second viewing".

When it comes down to it all my feelings can basically be summed up as: "The Force Awakens bored me. Rogue One did not."

I might go see the new one tonight. We'll see.

Unlike @Dragonlordxxxxx you actually liked Blade Runner 2049, so I’m more interested on your take on it.

What's gay is that the first showing is not until 9:30 and I'm guessing that, being the first, it's going to be super-packed, which I can't handle. I don't like strangers sitting in the chairs right next to me.

There are like four other showings after that, so if I do try to go, it will be to one of the later ones. The thing is . . . that's fucking late to be going to a movie.
What's gay is that the first showing is not until 9:30 and I'm guessing that, being the first, it's going to be super-packed, which I can't handle. I don't like strangers sitting in the chairs right next to me.

There are like four other showings after that, so if I do try to go, it will be to one of the later ones. The thing is . . . that's fucking late to be going to a movie.

Worst movie I’ve ever seen. Will come back with my review.
watching in 5 hours.

fuck your review, especially since I didn't read it yet
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