Starting Strength question - added exercise

Will do, thanks. its probably just cause i havent really done any heavy lifting or good compound workouts that im just a little nervous about going from 0 to so many

Don't be, there's absolutely no reason to be nervous about them.
Don't dwadlift twice a week in addition to three lots of squats, that's too much.

Maybe consider some bodyweight work to supplement.

care to elaborate?? that is how the original SS A/B programmes are written & for a novice i dont see the problem doing deads twice a week alongside squats
Did you say you're not doing powercleans because you don't have a spotter? That's like...


LOL This guy has obviously never watched any olympic weightlifting! The 'spotters' are useless, they never catch the bar when the lifter fails! :icon_lol:
this is what were going to do now ?

Okay, I'll be nice to him. The program says to deadlift 3 times in two weeks, one week you dead lift twice, th other once. If he exchanged power cleans for dead lifts, he would be dead lifting 6 times per two weeks. This would be very hard to recover from, especially as you got farther into the program.
Rip specifically talks about deadlifts with shrugs in SS and says not to do them and I agree. If you are going to do shrugs then do them on their own but a beginner lifter doesn't need to do shrugs anyway.

If you aren't going to do power cleans then do rows or chins. However I think you should at least try to learn them.
I was a puss and "afraid" of the powerclean to start as well. I didnt try one til 5 weeks into SS, now it is by far my favorite exercise. Nothing is as satisfying of the sound of your feet hitting the ground and the plates rattling when you hit the rack. And feeling that heavy weight explode upward.