Stipe Miocic demands title rematch with Daniel Cormier, calls Brock Lesnar antics 'disrespectful'

So let me get this straight. Stipe deserves an immediate rematch despite getting KTFO in one round, but Cody Garbrandt is undeserving of his? {<huh}
Fuck DC.








You seem upset.
The thing is people don’t give a fuck about stipe as hw champ that’s why he won’t get the immediate rematch. His biggest attribute is being a firefighter lol like who gives a fuck. Put the great ones in there, make the spectacle fights. That’s what the fans want, not mediocrity

Just curious, who would you call the "great ones", the ones who aren't mediocrity, in the HW division? Is Lesnar your personal GOAT and savior?
So let me get this straight. Stipe deserves an immediate rematch despite getting KTFO in one round, but Cody Garbrandt is undeserving of his? {<huh}
Stipe 1st defense

Stipe 2nd defense

Stipe 3rd defense

Cody 1st defense



All about money. If MM loses by lucky punch, he won't get a rematch. He might actually get cut lol
So let me get this straight. Stipe deserves an immediate rematch despite getting KTFO in one round, but Cody Garbrandt is undeserving of his? {<huh}
"I would go with neither here Joe"
Brock will sell way more ppv and that is all that matters to the ufc
He'll be fighting for the vacant belt when DC retires next year.
He's the best heavyweight in the history of the UFC

To say he doesn't deserve an instant rematch is already stupid, but to say that and then be okay with cormier fighting Brock instead is straight up retard level brain power

He had one more belt defending than Tim Sylvia.. ..
  • UFC is a joke and is dying
  • DC is a crybaby cheater who is ducking the real contenders
  • Lesnar is a steroid monkey who is a fraud, his fans are mentally challenged
  • The ones pushing for that fight or even accepting it are idiots who have no respect whatsoever for the sport
  • Stipe is the man and definitely deserves the rematch, and GOD LORD, change that fucking ridiculous eye-poke rule giving the fighter affected 5 minutes to recover ffs
Cody? And he had 0 defenses. Stipe has the RECORD of consecutive defenses.
Agree 100%, and i don't care what anyone says. The eyepokes changed the outcome of the fight. I wish stipe would have taken the whole 5 to recover though. Damn it, it pisses me off just thinking about it.

And for the people saying he doesn't deserve a rematch, yes he does. Many other champs got rematches. He definitely deserves one. Most defenses at HW ever. How the hell doesn't he deserve one? Gtfo
Stipe should have given all his opponents immediate rematches after he KO'd them. Maybe if he did I would say he has a case. But Stipe should know DC has a foot out of the door anyways, only has 2 fights left.
Stipe got slept in the first round by a LHW. Sit down

This historic run he had literally consisted of 3 defenses. Great job but this wasn't some Anderson Silva/GSP type reign
I totally agree. Three defenses and against who? Past his prime Werdum, past his prime Overeem and a green Ngannou? Yeah, greatest heavyweight of all time man lol
But isn't DC kind of right when he says Stipe will be a champion again, in the not too distant future? DC vs. Brock, DC wins, DC retires, Stipe fights for vacant belt. Stipe is champ? Something along those lines?

Yeah that’s the problem.

DC gonna fight Lesnar, then retire

DC has been fake lhw champ for awhile since he can’t beat roided Jones, now he’s gonna make Stipe fake champ after he retires before rematch
I thought instant rematch is the ufc standard nowadays?

Only if you have no title defenses.

If you have a lot of defenses like Aldo and Stipe, you don’t get one.
When Woodley loses, he won’t get one either.
AND? Stipe couldn’t even last ONE ROUND, and landed NOTHING, yet you feel three title defenses earn him an immediate rematch?
Landed nothing? Did you watch the fucking fight? Stipe was landing much more in the first half of the round, and DC took over after the eye poke, cheated to win.


No thanks Stipe.
I don't want you anywhere near the title for a while.

You've bored us enough.

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