Story of Jesus Christ was 'fabricated to pacify the poor', claims Biblical scholar Joseph Atwill

I am not following this discussion as I have never read Nietzsche, but if @Jack V Savage doesn't think much of Nietzsche's work maybe it has to do with Bertrand Russell.

Either way, he was able to recognize Nietzsche. He gets points for that.

I have said to him before that he does a disservice to Russell by being so partisan. lol. But he understands the other side.
That's right. Christianity is all bullshit. The 2000 years of Christian history, the important figures who inspire others and its major influence on literature, music, art, philosophy, theology, architecture and progressive social movements should all be forgotten because some people have claimed Christianity is for the weak and it is currently a big fad to piss on Christianity. We should just forget it all and everything that came from it.

you dont find it odd that the religion is filled with contradictions and has no logical basis to it? you find your self ever thinking that you are wrong but it scares you too much you have to go and say ´´´nope christianity is the truth!´´

I thought it was invented so lazy jews didn't have to go to temple mount every year and sacrifice goats.

that and they did not have to follow hundreds of rules. Instead they can act however they want and then as long as they accept jesus they get reward. It is joke really and obvious opium for the masses of non devout followers.

Then islam comes along and is more similar to judaism in the sense of following ritual and devoition and laws. Christianity is the odd one out honestly
what an astounding discovery. Everyone from Schopenhauer to Malcolm X has said this. It is a slave's religion that makes the poor and the weak the most favored. Brilliant. And our western liberal society is just that. They love the poor and the weak. They favor them.

again it is odd one out compared to judaism and islam in its love for insane, contradictions and slave religion morality thing. It actually makes complete sense.

It was a real issue for the roman. The creation of Islam was return to jewish messianicsism you could argue.
I've noticed that virtually all gay men hate religion. OP is just a beta genetic trash incel trying to rationalize his status as a homosexual.

well most say they well suffer in hell just for being born different. Kind of twisted.
Unconditional love is a Christian scam.

To quote this smart guy I occasionally converse with:

"He who doesn't have conditions to be loved demands unconditional love."

It sounds a lot better in our native language. :D
Ok @Seaside the bible is illogical and has many contradictions. No shit. Does that sound familiar? The Bible is full of love, hate, jealousy, hypocrisy. And this is a bad book to describe humans how? lol. We don't make sense, so why should any story about us? The bible is nonsense, that is why it is a perfect description of humanity. I see it like a mirror test. God is you. If you don't see that, you fail.

"But at any rate, the point is that God is what nobody admits to being, and everybody really is." - Alan Watts

I know I want to be fucking God. You don't. It comes down to strength as was discussed. You don't fuckin dare to be God. Thus you don't see him in you.

Napoleon was an atheist too. But understood God was in him.

The ones responsible for all the rustle you see in today's society are the Satanic rulers of this world and to a lesser degree, the brainwashed masses that follow their orders.

Thank you for sharing this quality thought with me
Crazy that a teaching that says live through hell so when you die it gets better, is somehow propaganda
To quote this smart guy I occasionally converse with:

"He who doesn't have conditions to be loved demands unconditional love."

It sounds a lot better in our native language. :D

Freud said a love that does not discriminate has no value.

Somebody else said that one who loves does not need a philosophy of love. Apply that to strength. Napoleon doesn't intellectualize strength like Nietzsche or I, he IS strength. lol. Guys like me just admire it and talk it up. Napoleon is it.

Hegel had a fuckin hard on for Napoleon too.

On the day before the battle, Napoleon entered the city of Jena. Hegel recounted his impressions in a letter to his friend Friedrich Immanuel Niethammer:

I saw the Emperor – this world-soul [Weltseele] – riding out of the city on reconnaissance. It is indeed a wonderful sensation to see such an individual, who, concentrated here at a single point, astride a horse, reaches out over the world and masters it.
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Freud said a love that does not discriminate has no value.

Somebody else said that one who loves does not need a philosophy of love. Apply that to strength. Napoleon doesn't intellectualize strength like Nietzsche or I, he IS strength. lol. Guys like me just admire it and talk it up. Napoleon is it.

True, but you shouldn't dismiss yourself so quickly. Napoleon was raised and lived in entirely different circumstances; circumstances which were a fertile soil for unleashing his power. Modern society is shaped by mediocre people for mediocre people. Nobody, not even Napoleon or Alexander or Caesar would be able to realize their potential in such a climate. Intellectualizing is basically all we have left. That's why Nietzsche dreamed of uniting all the world's aristocrats in order to create a new race that would organize their own society in such a way that Ubermensch would become a reality after some time.
Absolutely. One doesn't read philosophers like Nietzsche, one studies them. When one tends to read them, the result you'll get is something along the lines of what Jack V. Savage posted in this thread - how Nietzsche is "outdated" and "does not belong in modern discussions", as if the goal that Nietzsche had in mind when he wrote his books was the same these modern people have - namely, creating the utopia for the masses that would be based on the spirit of "Ni dieu, ni maitre". What a way to miss the point, eh?

You missed the point of my comment, which was that the specific critique mentioned of, say, support for a welfare state or universal education doesn't apply to the arguments being made in favor of it today.

I am not following this discussion as I have never read Nietzsche, but if @Jack V Savage doesn't think much of Nietzsche's work maybe it has to do with Bertrand Russell.

I didn't say I don't think much of Nietzsche's work.

Either way, he was able to recognize Nietzsche. He gets points for that.

I have said to him before that he does a disservice to Russell by being so partisan. lol. But he understands the other side.

There are few posters here who are less partisan than I am. You actually miss the point of my comments in pretty much the same way that others were missing your point (and reading more broadly would similarly help you).
No problem, it was quick and to the point.

You can't hide your rustle from me

any of more of those game of thrones memes you used to love to share those were super neato !!!

I feel like if I just exposed to a little more real truth that I could be red pilled any day!!

I'm not buying it. 2/3 of the Bible is the old testament where no one was councilled to be a slave or be humble or "turn the other cheek"

Pretty crappy propaganda if the first 2/3 of your propaganda goes against what you want and only the last 3rd is what you want to convey
any of more of those game of thrones memes you used to love to share those were super neato !!!

I feel like if I just exposed to a little more real truth that I could be red pilled any day!!



I never posted game of thrones memes.



Permanently rustled.
"Outlining his ideas in a blog posting on his website Mr Atwill writes: "Christianity may be considered a religion, but it was actually developed and used as a system of mind control to produce slaves that believed God decreed their slavery.

Although Christianity can be a comfort to some, it can also be very damaging and repressive, an insidious form of mind control that has led to blind acceptance of serfdom, poverty, and war throughout history

Although the evidence seems to imply that Jesus Christ was never documented as existing until decades after his birth, this "mind control that has led to blind acceptance of serfdom" claim is really fucking stupid. The dictates of Jesus Christ and of the New Testament preached the immorality of overt material wealth and the collective spiritual power of the poor and needy. The New Testament says that the poor are willed the earth and that their poverty is not God-made, but man-made, even if it seems to pacify economic discontent as comparatively minor compared to spiritual wealth in the afterlife.

Basically, this is a distorted and altogether dickish take.
Stay weak. Malcolm X's dad was a Christian preacher but Malcolm was atheist since birth. He never thought Christianity was true because God aint fuckin white. He despised religion. But he converted to Islam because it allowed him to be strong. You cannot be strong in Christianity. You can in Islam. Also why Hitler was a fan of Islam. It isnt for pussies.

there is some truth what you just said. Shocked more cannot see it. A muslim could see it, a hindu, a jew, but christians which most of this forum is and some westerners wont. It is true though. The most arrogant people alive today are the secular humanists and the diehard religious. So convince they have all answers. You see it in this thread. I think you made good points but of course the normal secular humanist irreigious type will laugh at yo
Are these the same Christians that lived in America who had no problem enslaving a group of people or dropping nuclear bombs on another country.

I’m not following you at all

it depends. He has point depending what part of NT you look at. There other parts that justify the old laws and racism slavery etc. Christianity is so false that it was originally jewish christianity, jewish messianicsm, syriac christianity, coptic, then two versions of catholicism and then protestantism came around. King James bible complied much later. There also christians today who say NT does not really ´mean´that hell exists or thought crime despite the fact that it does in NT. Also fun fact NT has hell with OT does not and jews not have and NT is new religion. I argue that islam is more similar in it ritual and observance practices to judaism than Christianity
And every poor person being a communist. Everyone nakedly fighting for short-term personal advantage with no conception of the common good might be individually showing "strength," but that's a recipe for a weak and degraded society.

it is your opinion that what you dont like is weak and degraded. In reality we dont know what the universe is really like.
You missed the point of my comment, which was that the specific critique mentioned of, say, support for a welfare state or universal education doesn't apply to the arguments being made in favor of it today.

I didn't say I don't think much of Nietzsche's work.

There are few posters here who are less partisan than I am. You actually miss the point of my comments in pretty much the same way that others were missing your point (and reading more broadly would similarly help you).

i am probably less partistan. i dont believe in anything being 100% real. I think all secular hummanists, atheists, liberals, conservative, religious hardcore people etc are all arrogant and full of themselves. They all proclaim (most) do to have all answers. Those who are least arrogant are often the agnostics or deist spirit type who think anything possible.
what an astounding discovery. Everyone from Schopenhauer to Malcolm X has said this. It is a slave's religion that makes the poor and the weak the most favored. Brilliant. And our western liberal society is just that. They love the poor and the weak. They favor them.
So you would prefer Islam, a religion of unapologetic domination, conquest and genocide? Hitler did look kindly at Islam , stating he wished the Germans would have adopted a warlike religion such as Islam that believes in ruling by the sword rather than the meek and passive Christianity.