Media Strickland doesn't think Navy Seals can last a week training with him; Navy Seal reacts

Maybe a little corny, but otherwise well said by the Navy Seal. Yes, Strickland would kick their ass in a no weapons fight, but would his training break them? No way. Their training would break him. Most of them probably love Strickland. I think he's too unfiltered to know who to pick his battles with.
Sean would get whupped by 90% of NAVY SEALS. He's delusional. He could not pass their physical requirements.
was hoping the Seal guy was going to be less douchey so I could get on his side

that said when Sean says wouldn't last a week I feel like he means he's going to knock you out 12 times a day in sparring for 7 days straight because they don't know how to fight
Sean would be the one getting knocked out multiple times daily!
strickland is right. just because you have cardio, doesn't mean you have technique to survive rounds and not get hit or submitted. they wouldn't last a week. by the second day they'd all have major CTE.
I think navy seal is more prepared because he cant fail in his job. If Sean fail he still get paid.


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Why are they called Seals and not Sharks
Strickland should find another career, he's spending brain cells he never had.........
Can someome explain to me who or what is endangering Americas freedom ?

I think the Seal was just stupid in school and now is a professional murderer
Strickland fights in a fancy little octagon with tight shorts and prances around with his shirt off, hugging, grinding, tapping other men with his jab with a referee in there to keep them safe. It’s a game and he has rules he needs to follow while soldiers literally fight in wars and it’s a matter of life and death.

Real combat > shirtless wrestling, hitting
And you're not even doing that but commenting online about him doing it
That SEAL (nearly every SEAL) would incapacitate Sean before he knew what hit him. I would love to see it!
I'm sure they would beat basketball players at basketball and soccer players at soccer, too. Maybe they should focus on actual warfare so that we don't have to keep abandoning our failed wars in the middle east.
Can someome explain to me who or what is endangering Americas freedom ?

I think the Seal was just stupid in school and now is a professional murderer
At least he is not claiming he is fighting for free speech.
Strickland can’t even take a Daddy joke. He cried on a podcast and exposed himself as a hypocrite saying there are certain topics you shouldn’t make fun.

Soldiers > Guys who whine about Daddy jokes and cry on podcasts.

Yes crying in a o podcast is terrible. But not as bad as signing up willingly for wars against countries who had nothing to do with 9/11.

You probably think all firefighters are hero’s
Fuck that noise. Does Sean really think he could go through seal training? Those dudes go through the ringer and hard as can be. They’re trained to not break. That’s a big part of seal training. I’d love to see Sean try it. Just for 2 days. Could he get through two days? Could he get through log pt? Doubtful.
Fuck that noise. Does Sean really think he could go through seal training? Those dudes go through the ringer and hard as can be. They’re trained to not break. That’s a big part of seal training. I’d love to see Sean try it. Just for 2 days. Could he get through two days? Could he get through log pt? Doubtful.
Seal training would be fun tbh.
My old man was a seal or UDT rather (in those days same thing) . The stories I have heard about the things he had to go through in his training its laughable I mean hysterically laughable Strickland thinks his Training is much harder.

Strickland rings the bell in under a week
Sean's idea of training is sparring 6 hours a day. The Seal would get fucked up bad over and over. On the other side I don't know if Sean could complete Seal training if he was in that position. I can't definitively say he couldn't because he's spent most of his adult life training mma and even captured a championship. I'm sure his mental toughness and grit would serve him well in that scene.