Stupid things you used to believe

I believed Bruce Lee was a twelve degree black belt in ......Kung Fu. I also believed he was dangerous but if he knew Thai Boxing and Ninjutsu he'd be truly deadly.

When I was really young I thought WW1 and 2 were the same war. Spain and Mexico were the same country.
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That there was a brick wall in my body that kept my poop and my pee separate.

I think there me be a breach in that wall cause I been pissin out my ass.
Believing I was impervious to all disease and physical ailments. What's that ringing in my ear now though? Momp. Momp.
That people are generally benevolent and good-hearted.

I tend to believe now most people are selfish and untrustworthy. Even if they aren't by nature, society and law reinforces that attitude.

I learned the world is a much easier place to understand and manipulate when you can broach the idea of “what’s in it for them?” Instead of “what’s in it for me?”.
This is a lie perpetuated by the lizard people race so that people sleep on them. They don't want us to know the truth.. which is that they live among us. They wear human costumes and are very difficult to identify.


This is true as the correct translation from the lizard people's language is actually middle and not center of the earth....... And what's in the middle of a sandwich, meat...... And what do the lizard people want us to become!!! Vegans ....... lizard people need us to become doughy like processed bread........
As a kid I used to think that people didn't digest food, and the way everyone died was suffocating when the food filled up to the top of your throat.
that I could grow up to be a goku like figure
When i started to get into martial arts in the late 90s, early 2000, I believed that the more advanced and acrobatic a move was, the more deadly it would be in real fighting.

So a butterfly kick would be more effective then a solid lowkick.
Acid rain will melt your skin

Fan while you sleep = dead

Adults know what they’re doing

Women don’t fart, still uncertain about this

Sex should be spontaneous
A lot of people have these same beliefs.

Have you had that moment when you realized your parents were only pretending to know everything?
I will start
I used to think Germans and Russians were the same people
I used to think Dutch was another way of saying German (until I learned about Deutsch)
I used to think ALL gunshot wounds were fatal, no matter the location of the wound
I used to think black socks were the cause of foot fungus
I used to believe Len Bias died from a single dose of cocaine
Interesting replies so far. Pretty funny when you look back now huh?

I'll tell you how I got these particular beliefs
1 East Germany was part of soviet union. When soviet union collapsed Germans were celebrating, so I made a connection
2 someone told me.. and I didn't question it, specifically because of the term Pennsylvania Dutch and the fact there is a bit of German culture in that state
3 non graphic TV violence. Seeing that as a kid, I saw people shooting guns and people dying
4 from my mom who learned it from someone else when she was young back in her home country
5 (this one makes me the most upset) the D.A.R.E. program. A police officer used to come to my school a few times a year to talk about how dangerous drugs were. He always told the same story about Len Bias.. how he was about to join the NBA and he was at a party celebrating. He tried cocaine for the first time at that party, then died from heart failure.

In my college years there was a period where I tried every drug i could get my hands on. In a rare moment where I was sober I looked up Len Bias on the internet and learned that "first time" story was complete BS

This makes me upset because lies like these don't help anyone. If anything, it creates resentment towards the perpetrators and in turn, makes kids curious about all drugs... which is what happened with me.

Edit added some links to confirm the bias story
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